This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep,
on her blog 'Reflections' and
I discovered it on Esha's blog. This time the word prompt is
Succesul nu este instant |
What is really instant around? Obviously, I'm referring to
something more than an
instant coffee, a photo click or how we see the surrounding space through our eyes.
Are there any incidents or situations that happen in this way? It seems rather that we
observe a last event from a previous series, to which we are not witnesses, or which,
although we see, we do not perceive as really important in triggering the event connected
to the idea of instant. There are also those situations when we are the 'creators' of the chain
of the events and suddenly something happens. The ideal would be to understand that we
were part of the cause, to discover the eventuality solution, if necessary. But the ideal is
always hard to reach. So being more present, or truly present in everyday life, could help
us to appreciate an event closer to the truth.
Is this important? Or how important is this conduct?
I think that in this way, sudden events would take us less by surprise, or we would decrease
their number.
Anyway, the most I like those lightning thoughts that appear generating a solution in the
creative area. They seem to come out of nowhere, with no obvious connections through
reasoning. But they are also at the end of a series of documentaries, which in a certain
context sediment and connect, generating the joy of an instant 'aha'.
instant coffee, a photo click or how we see the surrounding space through our eyes.
Are there any incidents or situations that happen in this way? It seems rather that we
observe a last event from a previous series, to which we are not witnesses, or which,
although we see, we do not perceive as really important in triggering the event connected
to the idea of instant. There are also those situations when we are the 'creators' of the chain
of the events and suddenly something happens. The ideal would be to understand that we
were part of the cause, to discover the eventuality solution, if necessary. But the ideal is
always hard to reach. So being more present, or truly present in everyday life, could help
us to appreciate an event closer to the truth.
Is this important? Or how important is this conduct?
I think that in this way, sudden events would take us less by surprise, or we would decrease
their number.
Anyway, the most I like those lightning thoughts that appear generating a solution in the
creative area. They seem to come out of nowhere, with no obvious connections through
reasoning. But they are also at the end of a series of documentaries, which in a certain
context sediment and connect, generating the joy of an instant 'aha'.
"Viata este ceea ce se intampla in acest
moment". |
Ce este cu adevarat instant prin preajma? Evident ca ma
refer la ceva mai mult decat o
cafea instant, un clic fotografic sau cum vedem spatiul inconjurator prin intermediul ochilor.
Or exista intamplari sau situatii ce se petrec in felul acesta?
Pare mai degraba ca noi observam un ultim eveniment dintr-un sir anterior, la care nu suntem
martori, sau pe care desi il vedem, nu il percepem ca important cu adevarat in declansarea
evenimentului racordat la ideea de instant.
Mai exista si acele situatii cand noi suntem 'creatorii' lantului de evenimente si brusc se
petrece ceva. Ideal ar fi sa intelegem ca am fost parte a cauzei, pentru a descoperi eventuala
solutie, in caz de necesitate. Idealul insa este mereu greu de atins. Asa ca a fi mai prezenti,
sau cu adevarat prezenti in viata de zi cu zi, ne-ar putea ajuta la o apreciere mai apropiata
de adevar privind un eveniment.
Este important acest lucru? Sau cat de importanta este aceasta conduita?
Ma gandesc ca in felul acesta, evenimentele bruste ne-ar lua mai putin prin surprindere,
sau am diminua numarul lor.
Oricum, cel mai mult imi plac acele ganduri fulgeratoare care apar generand o solutie
pe zona creativa. Aparent vin de niciunde, fara conexiuni evidente prin rationament.
Insa si ele sunt la capatul unui sir de documentari, ce intr-un anume context se
sedimenteaza si conecteaza, generand bucuria unui 'aha' instant.
cafea instant, un clic fotografic sau cum vedem spatiul inconjurator prin intermediul ochilor.
Or exista intamplari sau situatii ce se petrec in felul acesta?
Pare mai degraba ca noi observam un ultim eveniment dintr-un sir anterior, la care nu suntem
martori, sau pe care desi il vedem, nu il percepem ca important cu adevarat in declansarea
evenimentului racordat la ideea de instant.
Mai exista si acele situatii cand noi suntem 'creatorii' lantului de evenimente si brusc se
petrece ceva. Ideal ar fi sa intelegem ca am fost parte a cauzei, pentru a descoperi eventuala
solutie, in caz de necesitate. Idealul insa este mereu greu de atins. Asa ca a fi mai prezenti,
sau cu adevarat prezenti in viata de zi cu zi, ne-ar putea ajuta la o apreciere mai apropiata
de adevar privind un eveniment.
Este important acest lucru? Sau cat de importanta este aceasta conduita?
Ma gandesc ca in felul acesta, evenimentele bruste ne-ar lua mai putin prin surprindere,
sau am diminua numarul lor.
Oricum, cel mai mult imi plac acele ganduri fulgeratoare care apar generand o solutie
pe zona creativa. Aparent vin de niciunde, fara conexiuni evidente prin rationament.
Insa si ele sunt la capatul unui sir de documentari, ce intr-un anume context se
sedimenteaza si conecteaza, generand bucuria unui 'aha' instant.
#Fiction Monday (155) - Rituals and habits