#Fiction Monday (202) - The silent limits - Limitele tacute

  • Postat în Personal
  • la 12-01-2025 18:55
  • 6 vizualizări
#Fiction Monday (202)  - The silent limits - Limitele tacute
Imaginea este preluată automat împreună cu articolul de pe Floare de colt

This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog  'Reflections' and
I discovered it on Esha's  blog. This time  the  word prompt is 'SILENT',
connected with 'LIMIT'.

At the end of 2024, I fulfilled a wish that had been hidden inside me for a long time.
It sat there, in silent, growing little by little, until it exceeded the limit of the space in
which it was hidden.
So I had a blue and sunny miracle, for which I am grateful. Words can't really reflect
the emotions generated by the blue immensity, sparkling in the sun.
I just hope you like the images too!
I still feel the need to ask myself. Why did I wait so long? I admit that I don't have
a (logical) answer. And I always discover false limits...
So I have to dissolve them somehow, to smooth the way!?

La finalul anului 2024, mi-am indeplinit o dorinta ce a stat ascunsa in mine
mult timp. A stat acolo, linistita, crescand pic cu pic, pana cand a depasit
limita spatiului in care a stat pitita.
Asa ca am avut parte de un miracol albastru si insorit, pentru care sunt
Cuvintele nu prea pot reflecta emotiile generate de imensitatea albastra,
scanteind in soare. Sper doar sa va placa si voua imaginile!
Simt totusi nevoia sa ma intreb. De ce am asteptat atat de mult? Recunosc
ca nu am un raspuns (logic). Si mereu descopar limite false. Asa ca
trebuie sa le dizolv cumva, pentru a netezi calea.?

#Fiction Monday (201) - A moment of grace


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