This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep,
on her blog 'Reflections' and
I discovered it on Esha's blog. This time the
word prompt is 'TRAP'.
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'Limpezesteti gandurile, nu crede
orice gandesti, s-ar putea sa fie o capcana inauntrul lor'. |
I rarely looked at events through the lens of the idea of a 'trap'. Not necessarily because
it wasn't a possibility, but simply because initially, I viewed it as part of the adventure
books and that's it. Now, I could really give them other interpretations, at least for the
sake of the game.
Some referred to the time trap. Things to solve against the clock. If we master the subject,
in principle they are easy to overcome. But if not, we have a big problem. Because we also
need to add the information. If it's an exam, only the memory saves the day.
Then, there's the feeling of captivity in a specific place. With a temporary status of the
situation, we can manage. In the long run, however, it's very complicated. Over time,
I began to notice that the surrounding reality generates enough traps, difficult to avoid
or even impossible. A system perfectly molded to its needs and not mine.
From the moment I realized this, I wondered if there could be solutions to seemingly
impossible situations. No matter how I arrange the ideas, they are quite few. And without
any connection to the outside, but only to the inside of my mind. Namely, a careful
development of thinking, which would generate a different understanding of the events and automatically a different approach to the relationship with them. And on this occasion,
maybe even discovering how to avoid them or use them as a springboard to something
useful for us. But the goal of being better, I think, could make us overcome the idea that the process is complicated and persevere in achieving it.
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' O capcana este doar o capcana daca
nu o stii. Daca o stii, este o provocare'. |
Arareori am privit evenimentele prin prisma ideii de
'capcana'. Nu neaparat pentru
ca nu ar fi fost o posibilitate, ci pur si simplu pentru ca initial
le priveam ca facand
parte din cartile de aventuri si atat. Acum, chiar as putea sa le
dau alte interpretari,
macar asa, de dragul jocului.
Unele se refereau la capcana timpului. Chestii de rezolvat
contra cronometru.
Daca stapanim subiectul, in principiu sunt usor de depasit. Insa
daca nu, avem o
mare problema. Pentru ca mai trebuie adaugata si completarea
Daca insa este vorba de un examen, doar memoria mai salveaza
Apoi mai exista senzatia de captivitate intr-un loc anume. Cu un
statut de situatie
temporara ne mai descurcam. Pe termen lung insa, este tare
Cu timpul, am inceput sa observ ca realitatea inconjuratoare
genereaza destule capcane,
greu de evitat sau chiar imposibil. Un sistem perfect mulat pe
necesitatile lui si nu
pe ale mele. Din momentul in care am intrezarit acest fapt,
m-am intrebat daca pot
exista si solutii ale situatiilor aparent imposibile. Oricum s-ar
aranja ideile, sunt cam
putine. Si fara legatura cu exteriorul, ci doar cu interiorul
mintii mele. Si anume o
dezvoltare atenta a gandirii, care sa genereze o alta
intelegere a evenimentelor si
automat o alta abordare privind relatia cu ele. Si cu aceasta
ocazie, poate chiar
descoperirea modului cum sa le ocolim sau sa le folosim ca
trambulina spre
ceva util noua. Insa tinta de a ne fi mai bine cred ca ne-ar putea
face sa depasim ideea
ca procesul este complicat si sa perseveram in a o
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'Nu exista nicio capcana atat de
mortala ca cea pe care ti-o intinzi singur'. |