hyper-leaves rotting in high weirdness – poee off-the-greed by ubik feynman

  • Postat în Arte
  • la 08-07-2019 20:36
  • 261 vizualizări
hyper-leaves rotting in high weirdness –  poee off-the-greed by ubik feynman
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a poem from the compendium dissimulate my reality – some nonlocal junk poetry – 23 nonpoems from the point of view of a black hole condensed in an orange – a collection of made up poets who live inside a shadow

ubik is a non-non-delusional monk who holds meditation sessions in supermarkets. you can meet him through the zanzibar shops levitating at the eye level between the toilet paper racks or above the counter. ubik had not childhood because his parents had no money to raise him. so he sat in a library drawer until the age of 23 when he came out with his only lyrics book – danger of blindnessthe poetry of masturbation between narcisus, dogen and miley cyrus . he was beaten to death by some obscure malware in bucharest downtown where night and day were not distinguished due to graffiti.


as the beloved bones of my mother,

we observe

this erratic and intense fragility of

the leftovers

dancing on our dead tongues

a woman god with jaguar tail

spoke to us


but we shall hear her words

only tomorrow

(the toilet: ‘toylet’:

not near

not far)

a hallucination written on our mind map:

this stupid morning

is temporary unavailable

like a suicide note:

notpoetry :

all news are fake

all poetry fake

all memories fake


I will end

learning from my inner spoiled child

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