The arctic siamese oedipal twins couple Cole & Tina love to write binaural poems with middle-sized lipsticks on Ikea catalogs. During their career as Manichean artists, they allowed few details of their early life or family background to be known to the public. they even refused to acknowledge that they ever had a name. their father was an ironic electrician named herbison gasdrax and after the birth of the twins, he welded them together with a Russian welding machine – the trotzki feather.
my gender is quantum (MUPoetry Press, 2017) is the latest book published by hazard in a November afternoon after ingesting some dried ink from an old notebook that belongs to their witch grandmother, a well-known tarot and decaf coffee reader.
As we take a brief look at cole & tina poetry one could find transgressive poems like this I am the verso/ of lobotomy/ paralytic culture/stuffed with vodka and Xanax/this beautiful corpse/of hesitation/purged by a random/cow/called/medusa. (threesome trisomic fuck metaphysics! post dadaist hobby) . Another poem oh no! I had to pee on a ghost last night after the escaping matrix. it speaks about how people survived depression and the suffering of missing depressive thoughts. as hungry as a suicide note / my laundry worships the stains/ It could have eaten me / as I walked through / the streets of motherboard/ Pac man for philosophers/ let me be as inclusive as a white black hole/ policore / pubic shores of Mexico/ a fleeting resentment/for the next life/ when they will accomplish nihilism .
say hello to this
blind octopus
its mind fills in the blanks
It creates everything around
the table the chair the window
the sun the fast-food the streets
they are all in its mind
if I change the meaning of words
so-called reality will follow
shit does happen so often
it takes a lot of furies to be kind
filth is my religion
there are no gods in here
but some creepy paper liver
I cannot choose which story
fits with this unstoppable
of funny funeral stores
and beauty saloons
here take this dark burger
for your holy gluttony
you love your meat
for the sake of synesthesia
drink your tears get drunk
you filthy raccoon
disguised as a petunia
I can feel the perpetual softness
of my glossolalia –
poetry of doom
the impotent luxury of
a good memory
I am craving for emotions
at the bottom of the ocean
all hell is breaking loose
also drinking magenta sperm
from a Klein bottle
to understand
my gender
is quantum
I deceived my
with my cyberness
my death is
a lovely animal
through my