Review Happiness is a fox by Evelina Daciute & Ausra Kiudulaite

  • Postat în Life
  • la 16-11-2020 17:52
  • 362 vizualizări

Happiness is a fox is a book for children, writted by two writers of Lithuanian origin.

The book was published in Romania by/at the Publishing House Cartemma, at the price of 45 lei (aprox. 10 euros).

Is a nice book, very beautifully illustrated, with colourful drawings, perfect for children.

The main subject is friendship and happiness, and the importance of it. Is a book about the importance of feelings.

To sum up, is a sensitive story about dreams, friendship and happiness.

Paul is the main character of the story, a little boy that lives in a big city... but in a very strange house...

And one day, Paul meets a fox and they become friends.

But as life turns out to be so many times, Paul needs to move and leave behind his house, his friends and every thing he knows.

Is very hard for Paul to say good-bye to his fox friend and move to another city with his familly.

And althought Paul has a park in his new city, he is very sad that his friend is not there with him and it's as if the park isn't so beautiful either...

Till one day, when happiness comes out of the blue, in the form of a fox...

I believe that Happiness is a fox by Evelina Daciute & Ausra Kiudulaite is a very nice book, with a strong message, that is perfect for little children. It can be a very nice bed story or a life lesson if the parents know how to bring the right additions.

I do like it very much, because it makes change to seem something natural, but it shows all the feelings that accompany change.

I hope you you find these article useful and if you know other interesting books for children, please let me know. And if you are a parents, what to you like to read to your little ones?

If you like children books, visit Cartemma's website!