The agony, the ecstasy & a happy 2016!

I’ve been reading The Agony and the Ecstasy –  the biographical novel of Michelangelo Buonarroti written by Irving Stone. It is a fabulous story of a genius who dedicated his life to the craft he believed was the true form of art and his destiny.

Michelangelo was obsessed with sculpting. He was miserable when he wasn’t able to sculpt and when he would sculpt he would enter in a state of flow that could keep him concentrate and alive for hours with no need to eat or rest.

In a way it feels lucky to have found such an obsession – it gives your life meaning, purpose and you know exactly what makes you happy. It helps you focus and reach the highest forms of mastery. It is thanks to great obsessions that our world evolved as it did.

But obsessio...