Turkey -22 June 2018

I haven't posted in a while. Lots of things happened in between. It's quite difficult to catch up with your past because whether you want it or not you have to use a folder system. So then it basically comes up to decisions: what to keep and what to ditch. Looking behind, we either idealize or let ourselves caught in melancholy. There's no middle path.
I guess I will be posting sequential photos and today I have chosen to start with my last day in Turkey. The anamnesis by definition means to go back and follow the reverse path into the labyrinth.
so it all starts with a palace (Dolmabahçe Palace) situated in the Besiktas district of Istanbul. 
Back in 2014, on my second visit to Istanbul, during a city-break with my girls, we missed that. It covered the dusty floors of my things-to-do-inner-house for more than 4 years. It lays on the European side of the Bosphorus like a pearl and it has splendid gardens, white, chalky wal