Fireplace/Relaxing/Ambient+Soundtrack... 277
- Muzica
- 25-03-2021 21:00
Citește mai departeADEVĂRUL DESPRE DISPARIŢIA LUI VLADIMIR PUTIN TIMP DE ZECE ZILE - EMISARII UNEI SUPERCIVILIZAŢII EXTRATERESTRE L-AU CONVINS SĂ LE ŢINĂ UN CURS INTENSIV DESPRE "DUREREA LA BASCĂ DE TOATĂ LUMEA"( A DURAT ZECE ZILE PENTRU CĂ S-AU DOVEDIT GREI DE CAP - CU TOATE SUPERCAPACITĂŢILE LOR COGNITIVE ŞI INTELECTUALE!)! NU SE ŞTIE, ÎNCĂ, DACĂ A AVUT SUCCES! VOM REVENI... Sursa: B.I.C.I.U.( Biroul de Informaţii, Contrainformaţii şi Investigaţii Universale) The truth about Vladimir Putin's disappearance for ten days - emissaries of an alien supercivilization convinced him to give them a crash course in "not giving a shit" about everyone (it lasted ten days, because they turned out to be heavy-headed - with al
Citește mai departeFree Electronic Press Kits from
Citește mai departeiMusician Digital - digital music distribution ...
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Citește mai departeSalvaţi România de haos! Victor Ponta has got to resign!… via @causes— Gabriel Ghimpu (@gabrielGagga) July 21, 2012 ...
Citește mai departe..., 2012, and countin'... This world never ends! What matters is the way it goes... I'll be back with more on this matter! Stay close! The worst thing in human evolution is money( as a concept and with all that comes along with it)! The real right idea - in order to heal humanity - is TO SHARE! For the moment, just ponder on it and keep in touch! There are more to come...
Citește mai departeIn somewhat connection with "2012"......
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