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    Mioara Iacob

    "Blog, Lexis Blogger, blog!" este un site educational inregistrat ca proiect lingvistic-educational in cadrul Zilei europene a limbilor straine. Proiectul se aplica in cadrul Scolilor Lexis, avand ca principal obiectiv formarea unor deprinderi corecte de utilizare a site-urilor sociale si de comunicare prin intermediul blog-urilor. Materialele publicate se adreseaza elevilor cu varste intre 10 - 14 ani care studiaza limbile straine. Textele, jocurile si recomandarile completeaza programa scolara intr-o nota amuzanta, atat pentru elevi, cat si pentru profesori.

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Articole postate de Mioara Iacob

  • How to spell words you don't know... 164

    Four helpful techniques to help you sharpen your spelling skills: Please include attribution to http://blog.hubspot.com with this graphic. ...

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  • DON'T SPEND time on the Internet! INVEST TIME!... 175

    Did you Know? - The online population equals 30% of world's population. - Global time spent online per month is the equivalent to 3,995,444 years. - More than 56% of social networking users spend time for spying their partners. - More than 250 million tweets are sent per day. - More than 800 million updates are posted on Facebook.Source: http://www.go-gulf.com/ So, why waste time? The internet is much more and it can help you get admitted at university or get a job: The internet is the largest lobrary with 1.2 billion active websites.  The online media is the No.1 source of information and learning with 1,200 Massive Open Online Courses - MOOCs - offered for free. Nowadays, more and more college admission officers and employers value initiative, passion, curiosity. The internet can help you demonstrated all the

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  • Classroom stories... 181

    When you walk into the classroom, what do you expect? Worried faces, unapproachable teachers, a huge blackboard and piles of homework on the teachers' desks? What about smiling faces, relaxation and fun?

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  • EFL METHODOLOGY UPDATE COURSE - Summer 2014 and September Workshop 225

    Dear Colleagues, Below is the ETC Summer 2014 program: From July 3-18 we offer our EFL METHODOLOGY UPDATE COURSE, with options of attending the first 4, 6 or all 10 sessions. From September 1-6  we offer the first part of our  EFL METHODOLOGY  UPDATED and from September 8-11, the second part:  INTEGRATED SKILLS FOR TEACHING PROFESSIONALS, for those working in challenging situations who wish to further develop their skills. On Sunday, September 7, we are offering the "Voice: Your Excellence in Teaching" Workshop, an 8-hour voice training, pronunciation and intonation practice worksho

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  • Words with multiple meanings... 164

    The English language is crazy. The English language has a great number of words with a diversity of meanings. here's the top 10 list of words with multiple meanings that can confuse the learners. The words themselves are not difficult, but most stadardized tests assess knowledge of multiple meaning words, sometimes because of the unfamilier farmat of the questions in the vocabulary section. They can be grouped according to:different capitalization -- "You may see a rainbow in May."different punctuation -- "I sent my résumé hoping to find a job and resume working."different parts of speech -- "I like to run" (verb) vs. "I like to go for a run" (noun)different tense -- "I would like to read the book you just read."different degrees (literal or figurative) -- "The general ranks above the corporal" vs. "The plane flies above the rooftops."For more examples, lessons and games, go to:

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  • How to use your human - A Cat’s Instruction Manual 184

    Are you a cat who has recently adopted a human? Watch out! Humans are bizzarecreatures who love their daily routine. They have cereals and coffee for breakfast. Boring. They sleep at night and never dream of catching a mouse. Boring. They can watch TV hours on end. Double boring! I wonder why they are called “coach potato”. You can play with a potato, while humans can sit still and watch other people play a sport.God of cats! Humans are boring!If they don’t have a child of their own, they’ll get on your nerves buying you funny clothes that make you look stupid or toys you don’t want to play with. They hold you in their arms when you’d rather climb a tree and give a bath in their tub. Be careful when you enter a room accompanied by your human. They are so clumsy and can shut the door on your tail. Fight hard when they try to give a bath, unless you know how to swim. Beware of humans! They call themselves owners. Let them think they are, but follow t

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  • Kid Writer... 207

    Are you a kid and you want to write? You're probably a reader, too. Don't stop. Expand your reading, develop this interest and read everyday. The Mystery of the Shell a Christmas story (English language project for EFL learners) from Mioara Iacob

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  • Winter 2014 EFL Courses and Seminars in Athens, Greece 161

    Dear Colleagues, Below are the announcements of the ETC  Winter 2014 Schedule. We start the New Year with the introductory/refresher Course for ELT professionals who desire to extend their teaching expertise: The "EFL METHODOLOGY UPDATE COURSE", taking place on alternate Sundays, 10am - 2:30pm. The first session i

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  • Are you a teacher?... 180

    Post by I Appreciate Teachers. ...

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  • "Selfie" beats "Twerk"... 170

    LONDON (Reuters) - "Selfie" - a self portrait usually on a smartphone or webcam - was selected word of the year on Tuesday by the Oxford Dictionaries, based on a 17,000 percent rise in its usage from a year ago. It evolved from a social media buzzword to mainstream shorthand for a self-portrait photograph and its popularity is based on research done by Oxford Dictionaries editors. From "Selfie" other news words appeared:"helfie" for a picture taken of someone's own hair "belfie" for taking a picture of your own posterior "drelfie" for a self portrait while in a drunken state. A new infographic will soon be produced for the new 2013 most popular words. Till then, here's the one for 2012: [Infographic provided by Grammar.net]

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  • Jack Scholes in Romania... 177

    Jack Scholes was born in England and has over 40 years experience in the field of English language teaching. He has been teaching and giving presentations around the world including England, Germany, Nepal, Australia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Uruguay, Chile, Argentina and Brazil. Post by Lexis Scoli de Limbi Straine.

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  • Tips for Presenting an Argument... 166

    Post by Lexis Scoli de Limbi Straine. ...

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  • EFL Methodology for new professionals & Preparation for ASEP exam candidates 180

       http://www.etc-seminars.gr/ Dear Colleagues,We had the pleasure of seeing many of you during professional Spring events in Athens, Thessaloniki and Bucharest.Attached is our ETC Summer Program. From July 4-19weofferourEFL METHODOLOGY UPDATE COURSE,with options of attending the first 4, 6 or all 10 sessions. 

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  • HOPE FOR WALTER Humanitarian Appeal... 188

    Ma numesc Seifert Walter Florentin, sunt elev clasa XI-a la Liceul Teoretic Tudor Vladimirescu din Bucuresti, profil matematica-informatica. Pana in urma cu cateva luni eram un copil obisnuit, cu activitati obisnuite, cu idealuri si dorinte, cu ambitii si impliniri, un copil care se pregatea sa mearga pe calea vietii. Apoi s-a intamplat ceva... ceva cumplit care a distrus intr-o clipa micul meu univers, tot ce reprezentam eu. Simteam cum dintr-o data cerul nu mai era albastru, soarele nu mai voia sa rasara si pentru mine. Un dusman teribil s-a strecurat in viata mea si a naruit totul - cancerul. Cum reactionaza un om cand afla ca are cancer? Cum poate sa lupte cu asemenea amenintare? Raspunsul

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  • How are games changing education?... 194

    How Video Games Use Education and Learning Elements infographic ...

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