Quilling Cards - Summer... 270
- Arte
- 20-05-2018 10:11
Beautiful quilling cards - 3mm paper stripes...
Beautiful quilling cards - 3mm paper stripes...
Icoane brodate cu margele japoneze toho ,miyuki №15 , de buna calitate pe o baza de perfostitch in casete de lemn(dimensiune casetei 12x9 cm )cu o rugaciune si in rame din margele Preciosa (Cehia ) Detalii si comenzi pe [email protected]
Alexander este poetul care te poartă într-o călătorie filosofică prin timp, după aflarea veștii că mai are puțin de trăit. Eternitatea este analizată minuțios, pe fragmente, exact cu acele episoade ce cântăresc greu pe balanța înțelepciunii. Că deh, ajuns la vârsta pensionării, trecutul pare însorit, în timp ce prezentul este filmat într-o ceață constantă. Fiecare amintire aparține …
Reinterpretarea materialelor naturale precum marmura, granitul, esentele naturale ale lemnului in designul modern - este o alegere indrazneata - dar spectaculoasa!...
We know him for several years. He is a good photographer and it was a nice surprise for us when he called us for a booking. Many years ago we sold him one of our favourites photo camera, a D700 Nikon. He still have it and he brought it to the wedding so we used it, together with our D800s, to take the photos. Oh, we forgot about the bride :) Anamaria? His perfect match. Beautiful, smart, funny and sweet. When she laugh, the life come back to life :) Smart guy this friend of us :) It was a real great experience, we had a great time at their wedding. You know, that kind of wedding with no stress, with nice people having fun and not being occupied to plan the wedding. That kind of wedding you wish every weekend… Ana & Ionuț, we hope to see you soon :) And „Vielen Dank” for everything. You know…
Icoanele sint realizate din margele japoneze Miyuki №15 (6 culori) sau margele Preciosacristale ,perle , baza de broderie Perfostitch (material de înaltă rezistență ),cutia cu balamale.(12x 9 cm) sau cu o rama deosebita (18x14 cm ). Cine doreste sa achizitioneze una din icoanele pe care le lucrez poate sa-mi trimita un mesaj si cu drag ii ofer toate detaliile .
Have you ever met two people which fill with warm light every room they enter in? We’ve met. Her eyes, his smile, her smile, his kindness, her laughing, his humour… Every moment spent together with them was like a health cure. We are filled with energy after weddings like this one instead of being tired. If you find the chemistry everything will run so smooth. Nice people deserve wonderful experiences. We didn’t meet them for more than an year and we can tell you how much we miss them. Yes, Bianca and Marian, we are looking forward to meeting you again in the next future. Until then, we want to thank you for every moment we’ve spent together. Hugs from your crazy photographers…