• Mai mult in vacanta....... 260

    • Life
    • 22-07-2011 19:10

    Cu o saptamana "saraca" in alergare dupa Mures-Olt voi merge la o cursa in Piatra Mare alaturi de Alex Nimara si colegul meu de club Costi Neagu.Dupa cursa am hotarat sa mergem cu cortu la barajul Paltin.Altii preferand sa-si petreaca noaptea de sambata spre duminica in club,eu cu prietenii mei am hotarat sa mergem sa ne pregatim pentru urmatoarele competitii...vremea sper sa tina cu noi si sa nu ne ploua rau.

  • Roger Sanchez Presents: Release Yourself ’11... 245

    • Life
    • 20-07-2011 15:45

    Good news from The S-Man aka Roger Sanchez! The greatest tracks selected from R.Y. famous parties are now gathered on discs! Release Yourself ’11 includes a variety of house vibes from around the world- from deep, tech vibes, to heavier electro basslines.22 of the 29 tracks are exclusive- including tracks from Roger Sanchez, Baggi Begovic, MYNC, Rene Amesz, Blacktron, Afroboogie, French Government and many more. The 3 CD compilation includes a deep and sexy vibe Pre-Party CD, a rocking, dancefloor pumping Party CD, as well as a bonus Disc with Unmixed tracks ready to use in your own DJ set.Roger’s “Flashing LIghts” themed Release Your

  • Liberty Parade 2011 Preview: DJ Dark Minimix... 241

    • Life
    • 19-07-2011 19:10

    Few days remaining until the biggest dance music event in Romania. The amazing party that means more than 12 hours of cotinuous house music and also the expression of everyone’s free spirit will debut on 30th July. So far, the line-up counts famous djs like: Sharam, DJ Optick, DJ Dark, Christian Green, DJ Andi, Liviu Hodor, Vali Barbulescu and many others. Here is a preview of what DJ Dark is gonna be mixing on Liberty Parade: Check out VIBE69 to download this mix for free!Other VIBE69 Posts Today:

  • < music for soul >... 231

    • Life
    • 19-07-2011 09:04

    2Elements & Markus Binapfl ft. Nanchang Nancy – Feel It (Tochner Club Mix) [Oron] Alex Smoke – Make My Day (Ryan Crosson Morning Sorrow Remix) [Zippy] Alex Smoke – Meany (Roof Light Re Rub) [Zippy] Alex Smoke – Never Want To See You Again (Sei A Remix) [Zippy]

  • Programul meciurilor meciurilor din sezonul 2011-2012 al Ligii a IV-a 256

    • Life
    • 19-07-2011 08:25

    La sediul Asociaţiei Judeţene de Fotbal a avut loc ieri tragerea la sorţi a meciurilor din sezonul 2011-2012 al Ligii a IV-a. Noutatea este că, începând din acest an, Liga a IV-a suceveană va număra doar 16 echipe, cu două mai puţin decât până acum. Sezonul de primăvară va începe pe 14 august şi se va încheia pe 20 noiembrie. Cea mai mare parte a meciurilor se vor disputa ca şi până acum, duminica, doar două formaţii, CS Gura Humorului şi Dorna Vatra Dornei, au cerut să-şi dispute jocurile de pe teren propriu în zilele de sâmbătă. Biroul Executiv al AJF a mai hotărât ca meciurile din primele trei etape, programate în luna august, să se joace mai pe răcoare, de la ora 16.00 juniorii şi de la 18.00 seniorii, urmând ca începând din luna septembrie să se revină programul tradiţional de desfăşurare a etapelor, de la ora 11.00 juniorii şi de la 13.00 seniorii.Etapa I – 14 augustTurboforest Poiana Stampei - CS Gura HumoruluiMoldova Draguşeni

  • MURES-OLT MARATHON (Mures-Olt prin Balan...)... 270

    • Life
    • 17-07-2011 17:57

    http://connect.garmin.com/activity/99668657https://picasaweb.google.com/112593533576259097039/MURESOLTMARATHON http://www.muresoltmarathon.ro/ REZULTATEASA A ZIS DL ILIE ROSU :) IOI IOIDupa 2 concursuri de orientare sportiva(miercuri si joi) am plecat direct la Mures-Olt Marathon...Vineri dimineata am plecat cu Simi,Zozo si Marius Curca la marcarea traseului de maraton si cros...Sambata la ora 9 a fost dat startul,pana la km 19 totul a decurs super,de acolo a aparut o problema(lipsea o portiune de marcaj) si am inceput sa bramburesc impreuna cu Daniel,surpriza era ca ne-am intalnit cu inca 4 concurenti care e

  • Exclusive Summer 2011 Mix, by Alexander Technique... 218

    • Life
    • 16-07-2011 19:45

    With a thriving record label, non-stop releases and a number one hit, things have been considerably heating up for DJ Alexander Technique. His dedication to production, especially this year, has proven to be fruitful in many ways and has reminded us that he is one of the most innovative producers around today. “Where You Are” is the most recent addition to his already impressive discography. This collaboration with heavyweights Harry Romero and Junior Sanchez and vocal extraordinaire Shawnee Taylor, was picked up by Steve Angello and released on his label Size. PeteTong, David Guetta, Andy Norman, Dirty South and Laidback Luke have supported t

  • Theodor Pallady - Sigmund Freud... 597

    • Life
    • 14-07-2011 16:55

    Theodor Pallady seamana cu Sigmund Freud...

  • Sergiu Vitalian Vaida - Ian Holm... 605

    • Life
    • 14-07-2011 16:52

    Sergiu Vitalian Vaida seamana cu Ian Holm...

  • Trance Music Transposed to Nature Moments... 221

    • Life
    • 12-07-2011 20:32

    Teaming up once again with Tomáš “Ziki” Zíka to create a sequel to the monster smash From Somewhere (supported by Armin van Buuren and many more), Roland Kempny aka Ronny K. returned to Defcon Records with a follow up to his massive ASOT-supported Emotions EP; the result is Memories, a melodic, euphoric anthem that really raised their profiles even further! The original mix has been an underground smash for over a year thanks to Ronny’s popular radio show, gaining over 10,000 YouTube hits before the title of the track was even known! In the same emotional, melodic style as From Somewhere, Memories combines massi

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