• Alexandra Stan... 182

    Since I had some more visitors on the blog I thought I should come with an  interesting subject maybe I succeed to arouse your  interest in my articles and especially the music I listen, and I hope you will enjoy it to.Now I want to present or rather to bring to your attention even more (because you already know her) Alexandra Stan, a singer from Romania who managed to be known outside our country. I listen to her music and I really like her (Damn She Is HOT !!!) songs and I bet that you have heard of MR SAXOBEAT, one of the songs that put her in the UK Tops.

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  • Something New... 160

    And if I tried to promote a radio from RomaniaI thought I should try to promotesome artists who aretalented and deserve to be heard abroad. Some of them had the chance to launchsuccessfully internationally, but because of too much fame t

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  • Old Music :)... 181

    Hi! Just came from work and on my way back home i was listening a radio that plays old music. Than i thought it will be a good ideea for a new post, about old music. I was thinking to add some ols songs and i was wondering if you guys can help me do make a playlist with this kind of music. I am whaiting for your sugestions. Do not hesitate to wrote back your favourite old songs! Until next post --> I SALUTE U!!!

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  • May I Have Your Attention !!!... 182

    Hi !Since no one wanted to post a comment on the early subject about little Beyounce i was thinking that i should try to get your attention with something that make some good noise like Music :) .That is why i will recomand you with pleasure a good Online Radio that i listen every day.This Online Radio is keept alive by a great man called Dj Zet .Originaly from Romania this man is in my opinion our Tiesto.So with all this introduction i wrote no more and let you decide if i am right.I am waiting for comments ! Follow this link http://www.radioprob.ro and you will find a player on his page !Enjoy and I SALUTE U !!!

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  • Legenda celor 8 minute !... 216

    Legenda spune că o femeie săracă cu un copil în braţe, trecând pe lângă o peşteră a auzit o voce misterioasă care i-a spus:- Intră şi ia tot ceea ce îţi doreşti, dar să nu uiţi ceea ce-i mai important. Aminteşte-ţi că după ce vei ieşi poarta se va închide pentru totdeauna. Aşa că profită de această oportunitate, dar nu uita ce-i mai important!Femeia a intrat în peşteră şi a găsit multe bogăţii. Fascinată de aur şi bijuterii, a aşezat copilul pe o stâncă şi a început să strângă de zor tot ce putea duce. Vocea misterioasă i-a vorbit din nou: “Ai doar 8 minute!”Când au trecut cele 8 minute, femeia, încărcată cu aur şi pietre preţioase, a fugit afară din peşteră şi poarta s-a închis. Atunci şi-a amintit că a uitat copilul înăuntru, iar poarta s-a închis pentru totdeauna. Bogăţia a durat puţin, iar disperarea pentru totdeauna.La fel se întâmplă de multe ori şi cu noi. Avem aproximativ 80 de ani pentru a trăi în această lume şi o voce ne aminteşte mereu: Nu uita ce e cel

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  • Little Beyounce... 182

    Hello and good morning! I just wake up and i have this funny thought about Beyounce's daughter.I am wondering how this girl will look and how famous she will be in 5 years from now! So i am waiting for your opinions.      I Salute U !!!

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  • ... 179

    This is for a good morning start :) !Enjoy ...

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  • Welcome to my blog !!!... 178

    Hello! Welcome to my blog! I am FireMuc and this blog will be about music but not only;I will try to support and promote humanitarian campaigns.  Like all people i got some hobbies to. First of all i like to watch movies and listen music, lot of music and good music. I also like sports like football, table tennis and rugby. My favorite activity is to play games specialy MMORPG ones, so in the future  don't be surprised if i will post some materials regarding this subjects. I hope you will enjoy my blog and i am waiting for you comments and opinions. With all this spoken --->

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  • ProBpm: Today is a nice day !!!Is my wife Birthday!!!YEEEE... 189

    ProBpm: Today is a nice day !!!Is my wife Birthday!!!YEEEE...: Today is a nice day !!!Is my wife Birthday!!!YEEEEE!!!PARTY!!!...

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  • ... 198

    European Top 20 (9.1.12 -15.1.12) 1.Rihanna - We found love (video) 2.Coldplay - Paradise (video) 3.Lana del rey - Video games (video) 4.Avicii - ...

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