• Nenorocită zi...... 258

    Am aflat cu tristeţe, abia azi dimineaţă, de nenorocirea de la Colectiv.În aceste clipe gândurile mele se îndreaptă spre cei ce nu mai sunt printre noi, Dumnezeu să îi odihnească în pace.De asemenea sunt cu toată inima alături de cei aflaţi în grea suferinţă, de familiile lor şi cei apropiaţi.Mă doare că nu ştiu nimic sigur încă despre Claudiu, dar sper din tot sufletul că este bine, rătăcit pe undeva printr-un spital... Hai Claudiu, aşteptăm cu toţii încă un #findme...Mâine mă duc acolo, la ora 14, să aprind o lumânare. Poate veniţi şi

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  • Esti om?... 203

    Initial, am vrut sa scriu despre moarte. Parea un subiect potrivit, luand in considerare contextul de azi, in care aproape 40 de oameni si-au pierdut viata intr-un club din Bucuresti. Despre moarte, ca statistica insa, vorbeste toata lumea. Iar eu nu sunt toata lumea. Sa facem cunostinta, insa: sunt acest Keanu Reeves dubios si atipic, pe care lumea in catalogheaza ca ciudat, de cele mai multe ori...si greu de integrat intr-o societate de consum. Imi pare bine.Voi, insa, cine sunteti? Sunteti printre cei care isi plang mortii? Sau poate printre cei care invenineaza blogurile, televizoarele si online-ul cu ura suprema? Sau poate printre pareristii care le cunosc pe toate, brusc? Sau sunteti OAMENI?Ca eu despre oameni vreau sa vorbesc. De fapt, despre cum am uitat sa fim ca ei.Inainte de a arunca fel si fel de invective, cum ca s-a trezit si asta sa vorbeasca, respira putin si lasa-ti sentimentele de inversunare sa se domoleasca. Doar asa putem vorbi. D

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  • Se zice ca timpul trece. Timpul nu trece niciodata. Noi trecem prin timp. 312

    Nu mai tin minte cine a spus acest lucru , dar stiu ca l-am citit cand invatam pentru bac si ne daduse profa niste materiale. Daca nu ma insel era vorba de Aci sosi pe vremuri .Mi-a placut la nebunie cum suna si mi-a venit random in minte acum. In rest totul e la fel.O sa incep sa fac voluntariat (yay!) la CeCOP adica Centrul de Consiliere si Orientare Profesionala al facultatii. Fitting, nu?

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  • Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) Play Movie... 277

    It may be a mess, but it's an extremely good-natured mess, full of humor and warmth. More surprising still, the very elements that seemed most likely to ruin the movie-the tree-man, the talking raccoon-account for much of its improbable charm.. Guardians of the Galaxy does the impossible. Through dazzle and dumb luck, it turns the cliches of comic-book films on their idiot heads and hits you like an exhilarating blast of fun-fun-fun.. Gunn appears to remember the high of certain kinds of moviego... 2015381

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  • Titan A.E. (2000) Download Full... 286

    Has problems in pacing, storytelling and character definition.. Here's the animated space adventure I've been hoping for.. Always up to generating distinctive and involving visions.. The visuals range from impressive to just plain spectacular.. A space shot worth taking.. Likely to be more tiny than titanic.. . Star Wars pulped and mashed into flavorless kiddie corn.. In a summer driven by wow factors, Titan A.E. has a galaxy's worth.. One of those children's movies that is made for especially d... 0120913

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  • The Fourth Kind (2009) Download Movie... 383

    When the director divides the screen into quadrants for his big finish, the effect is just laughable -- but then by that point, the movie is too.. Without the true-story conceit, The Fourth Kind would be just another formula horror flick with a couple of passable jolts trying to hold a flimsy story together.. Food for thought that's also a treat for the senses.. As fascinating and intelligent as the movie is, A Scanner Darkly leaves you wishing it might have actually been less faithful in word, ... 1220198

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  • The Lovers (2015) Full Streaming... 284

    There's a veil of artifice clinging to every aspect of "The Lovers," a thoroughly unconvincing time-traveling epic costume drama pairing a miscast Josh Hartnett and Bollywood beauty Bipasha Basu.. As far as I can tell, the only ability in short supply is acting.. A grubby cut-price sci-fi thriller.. One long mistake from start to finish, this is a film that never gets its rhythms or bearing right.. There are many problems with Push, and most are the usual boring things: unnecessary plot loops; l... 1321869

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  • Mr. Nobody (2009) Online Streaming... 328

    Never mind that several characters seem to gain or lose British accents throughout the course of the film. The lack of continuity only enhances the sense of deliciously dizzying disequilibrium.. A film that has a beating heart underneath its messy -- though breathtakingly designed -- exterior.. As philosophy, Mr. Nobody seems sillier than it is profound. But in a parallel reality, more movies would have this degree of insane ambition.. This big-budget English-language co-production shows that Eu... 0485947

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  • District 9 (2009) Watch Full Movie... 257

    District 9 has too many gory vaporizations to qualify as a serious statement on race relations, but it does outclank Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen by a wide margin, and you thrill to the cleanly cut action sequences.. In a good summer, there's usually a movie that will come out of nowhere and completely wow us. This is a good summer, and that movie is District 9.. The wonder is that despite its obvious roots, District 9 feels staggeringly original.. The movie falls into the same uneasy cat... 1136608

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  • The Matrix Reloaded (2003) Watch Full Movie... 286

    An ugly, bloated, repetitive movie that builds to a punch line that should have come an hour earlier.. If you're 14 or younger in age or sensibility, you may giggle at some of the bons mots.. Reloaded seems less tired than X2.. A kinetic, digital feat.. A sadder, wiser, more grown-up movie than its predecessor.. Worryingly, the longer this movie goes on, the harder it is to care.. In the face of almost unbearable expectations, the Wachowski brothers deliver a sequel that soars to places only hin... 0234215

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