The wind blew by with fiercesome force. Some tiny bits of blood and pieces of gutter flew right before his eyes, followed by a muffled scream he couldn't even hear anymore.
"Fucked be the Gods."
"Yes, I'm in Valhala!"
The wind blew by with a quite exquisite force and some toes that were covered in fresh, smelly blood flew past. They were followed by some horrid sreams.
The blade in your hand shatters under the might of some creepy looking blunt weapon that hit its surface, making it vibrate itself to mere shatters of steel.
Your neck is opened wide and a disgusting stream of blood flows right out of it. You try to clear your head and...
"Cursed be thy name!"
A gust of wind hits your face with a cold spike of pain that makes your teeth feel like cracking down under the mental pressure you're facing.
You take a long look at the bloodied iron spike in your hand and you think of thrusting it into your neck. Death, real, actually life-ending death would be welcome.
"You worthless crap-bag!" Someone yells behind you.
The bones on your back all break as an iron fist gets stuck into your spine and you lose all air...
"Join the army, they said. Your brethren count on your support, they said. So where in the Nine Monstrous Acid-Spitting Hells are they?!!!"
AAAarrrggggghh!!!! you scream out loud while subtly losing your mind. What's left of it anyway. You've never felt like this until then. But then again, who are you?
"I bet they're all cozy and warm at some academy, or influencing the world at large. Should one man suffer so much for those dim-wits?"
Your stare fixes upon a new weapon, the likes of which you haven't tasted yet and you start thinking clearly: "I need to focus on that". Obviously, since I am still here ranting on about what you're doing, you're not really doing your best.
Oopps.. heads up!
Well, heads down I guess. The flaming blade hits the bottom of your neck and blood explodes.
Again. You're here again. I'm hear again. He and she and every fucking body is here again!!!! Arrrgghh! I can't stand it. But well.. I don't honestly care.
You, on the other hand, you care because it's your life (even though I'm not trying to go all Bon Jovi on your sorry ass).
"They should be so proud I'm here in Valhala. Such a great place."
An arrow is shot at you. You've lived this scene for so many times already, your instincts force you to duck and they even ..
< Long PAUSE >
Wow! There you have it. Your instincts even managed to shut ME out this time. Bravo!
>Clap!< >Clap!<
Your head is actually on top of your neck this time. Such a delightful feat! You should really kiss your bloody self 'fer this accomplishment.
You're actually smiling. Don't get too smug just yet. Think of why you're here... Because I have a good sense of why that mutilated body has an iron spike thrust right through its bollocks.
You suddenly feel a cold wind rushing toward your eyes. Tears start drifting across your face and you feel your vision shaking from all the agitation.
The wind is gone. Nobody's standing next to you.
Wait... wind, and no other psycho left alive, to try and kill ye? Pretty neat.
The smell of dead bodies and opened guts make you think of never wanting to eat again. Yet, all the fighting made you hungry. So blimey hungry.
Such a beatiful jaded eye you have in your hand. You eat it. It slimes down your neck and you feel no pride in doing this. Yet, this is Valhala, so you'd better gulp up everything you can before the other new fighters awaken.
"As great as it gets, I guess! Fucked be Thor, Lokki, the Einherjar! Fucked be Odin and the Yggdrasil. Crashed be that bloody tree with the shitty worlds it holds!"
You're losing it. Again. But while you're at it, you still keep trying to remember what got you into Valhala and now that you finally stopped dying so fast, you start thinking about an avatar.
Avatar?! You don't know what that word means, but you've heard it before. You feel it was a big dedication-related thingy.. somehow.
Thoughts are blurred, but yoy try to get them straight... all the while gulping down on the dead people's remains.