"Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will."
The book Witchborn by Nicholas Bowling it's the perfect book for children and teens! Although, I, as an adult, I've enjoyed it very much.
So, if I must say, Witchborn is an ideal book for everyone who likes reading.
Nicholas Bowling is a writer and Latin teacher from London and Witchborn it's his debute novel. He has also writted In the Shadow of the Heroes and Alpha Omega.
The story of the book takes place in England, in the XVI century and the main character is Alyce, a young girl. Her mother is dead, burned at the stake, cuz she's a witch.
Left all alone, with just a letter and a place to run in London to find help, Alyce begins her journey. Descovering a world that it's far away different by hers, all sorts of people and one hell of a best friend, Solomon; in fact Alyce is begining her way to growing up.
The book is a little historycal fantasy, a little about the path to adulthood, a little about love, so is quite complex, but easy to read and understand. And, most important, it makes you curios to find more about England witches and what had happend during that periode of time.
Magic potions, black magic, strange books and even stranger birds nothing is left behind in these book! And all toghether make a great story.
Adventures, love and hate, friends and betrayel- all that we have in real life and makes us happy and desperate, Alyce experices.
If you like these kind of books I would tottaly recommend these one, cuz is a #mustread!
Easy to read, accessible, a little funny and a little sad, a little true and a little more fantastic, Witchborn is that kind of book you can read in just one day, on the sofa, with a good tea or coffee and an amazing zen state!
Information about Witchborn by Nicholas Bowling
Ed. Rao
Nr. pag. 448
My mark 9
Target audience 15+