Să trăim frumos, să trăim deștept și să ne umplem de bani! Let's live in a smart and in a beautiful way and meanwhile let's make lots of money!Hai să vedem cu cine avem de-a face! Let's see who are we dealing with ?
First of all, I would like to introduce myself! ?I am Manuela, an economist and a translator for both English and Spanish, with some knowledge of French as well. By the way, I like French songs quite a lot, as this language seems particular musical to me.I live in Bucharest, Romania's crowded Capital, not mostly with people but also with lots of cars, improperly parked most of the time and often annoying poor pedestrians..
E-mail: [email protected]Residence: Milky Way, Earth, South-Eastern Europe, Romania, Bucharest, first street on the left hand of the Universe :)Este abia începutul și deocamdată voi spune că sunt traducător iscusit de limbă engleză, că iub...