Citate favorite (162) - Plecand de la o melodie...


"Xanadu, Taramul Nemuritorilor" Aceasta postare, putin atipica, a aparut ca urmare a unui articol citit in Revista Cosmossi care porneste de la o melodie interpretata de Olivia Newton-John, Xanadu.
Lirica melodiei este urmatoarea:"A place where nobody dared to go The love that we came to know They call it Xanadu And now, open your eyes and see what we have made is real We are in Xanadu A million lights are dancing and you are, a shooting star An everlasting world and you're here with me, eternally Xanadu, Xanadu (Now we are here) in Xanadu Xanadu, Xanadu (Now we are here) in Xanadu Xanadu, your neon lights will shine for you, Xanadu The love that echoes of long ago You needed the world to know They are in Xanadu The dream that came through a million years That lived through all the tears It came to Xa...