Dinner at Luif Aete & Drink - Venlo

  • Postat în Life
  • la 12-10-2017 15:06
  • 276 vizualizări
Dinner at Luif Aete & Drink - Venlo
Imaginea este preluată automat împreună cu articolul de pe FashionableStreets

And here we are again in Holland - since a drive from our home to Holland is only 20-30 min long, anytime we can we try and drive over to Venlo, Roermond or other close dutch cities - either for shopping or just a short city-break. Holland is very beautiful & the dutch people & their lifestyle give me the feeling of tranquility, of a stress-free day to day life & I also love cheese, and dutch cheese is ah-maaazing!

Hier sind wir wieder in Holland - da die Fahrt nach holand nur 30 minuten dauert, sind wir gerne dort einkaufen oder einfach nur für eine kurze Städtereise am Wochenende. Ich finde NE sehr schön und die holländischen Leute und ihr Lebensstil geben mir das Gefühl der Ruhe, eines stressfreien Alltags und plus ich liebe Käse und niederländischen Käse ist der beste

Dinner at Luif-Aete & Drinke in Maaspoort Venlo was the peak of the day!The food was heavenly and the service there absolutely impeccable ! I tried an amazing cream-soup - actually the soup of the day & it was something from potatoes & other veggies & a plate with local products - dutch cheeses, meats & home made bread - a delight!

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