After you grow a little more, you become a little more better
at everything. Running, jumping, posing, moving silently or even
walking straight and balanced is seen like it's all natural for the
kid. Which it is, as it slowly becomes even more balanced for him
to do something really cool, like sports or dancing, singing, where
you have to coordinate your body in tune with the rules, as well as
with the tricks. That's when you are also able to understand more
within the world surrounding you, but that's also when you learn
that you don'tstop.
When you are an adult, you have a huge number of skills you
learned along the way and also a huge number of situations have
happened to you, to the extend where you have been able to
determine patterns exist. You've seen something done a thousand
times and from that you can see that most of the times the thing
you see being done ended up positively, it was because of those
times following a certain pattern. When there were conditions met
for that pattern, the results were always positive. So you are able
to get along, daily, with the routine stuff that is easily
predictable. At this stage in a man's life, he is able to process
abstract notions and at least agree with the fact that there is a
path in the logic of the abstract. It's as if you know there is
still a lot of means of getting to experience consciousness besides
the almost primitive and mainly pattern-based form of consciousness
that we call the normal. The real. You know the real around you,
because it is experienced physically, through senses and memories
being stored chemically in your brain. Your physical
electromagneticity and mental state is not really the focus of your
conscious self. It is more tied to your unconsciousness, but you
get a lot of feedback from it and it shows up in your conscious
reactions to it. You don't see someone being aggressive, but you
kind of have a gut feeling his eyes looking straight at you and
seeing his body language. It's like they say in the books, "The guy
was being menacing!". Then you get that gut feeling he's a possible
threat. You are twitching at this point. The sheer volume of
concentration required to monitor that menacing person makes you
stumble when walking or get into a menacing stance yourself. It
depends on how many times you've seen the situation before. And
you've seen it a lot of times. You get the hell out, stand your
ground or get beat up or worse, but the gut feeling is there all
the time. But that's only because you don'tstop.
But is it true, though? Does all this sound a little too far
fetched, though? You think this is not true, not because you don't
understand it, but because it doesn't make sense or it is not that
convincing, anyway.
Is it because you don'tstop, though?
Is it because you don'tstop, though?