How You Can Save Energy and Money With Home Window Tinting

  • Postat în Life
  • la 28-03-2021 17:50
  • 435 vizualizări

Summer is around the corner, meaning it’s yet again time to get those ACs running and Google lemonade recipes. Summer is a nightmare for most homeowners not only because of the searing heat but also because of the high energy bills. The latter is something you have to contend with unless you plan on baking in the scorching heat.

Home window tinting is one way you can save energy and save money all through summer. That’s right, a thin polyester film applied to your window can help reduce your energy bill. So, if you want to save some money throughout summer and the rest of the year, maybe you should consider home window tinting.

Not yet convinced? Keep reading and find out how the right window tints for your home can help cut your energy expenditure.

Maximizes Entry of Natural Light into Your Home

Natural light from the sun is an excellent source of vitamin D, which can help boost immunity, strengthen your bones and decrease stress. What’s more, studies show that natural light can increase endorphin production.

While natural light is good for your body and soul, ultra-violet radiation isn’t. to help protect themselves and their furniture from UV radiation, most homeowners get window film. The problem with window film is that it doesn’t allow much natural light into the home.

What do you do when you want as much natural light as possible without the harmful UV rays? The answer is pretty simple, all you need is some tints for your windows. Proper window tints have a higher visible light transmission, meaning they allow a lot of visible light into your home and offer UV protection.

With enough natural light, you won’t need to keep your lights on for most of the day and night. That means you don’t have to spend too much on your electricity bill. Over time, you’ll save a bundle in electricity costs because you don’t use artificial lighting as much.

Cuts Down AC Usage

Ultra-violet radiation is what makes your home unbearably hot during summer and forces you to turn on the AC. Everyone knows that the AC can really dent your bank account, especially during the summer. Tinted windows help block most of the UV radiation from outside, so you don’t have to keep the AC on for many hours.

This means no paying through the nose every summer because of your AC. Tinting your home windows can dramatically reduce your energy bills because you don’t need the AC on for your house to be comfortable.

Cuts Down Heater Usage

Like summer, winter is a very energy-consuming season because you now have to brave the freezing cold. That means cranking up the heater to keep the cold at bay and bracing your wallet for hefty energy bills.

Energy-efficient window tints can help reduce heat loss from the windows and retain the heat inside your home. Even if you have to turn on the heater, you won’t have to turn it up as high as when you don’t have tinted windows. Ultimately, you’ll cut down your energy costs and save a lot of money.

Government Incentives

Did you know that using energy-efficient window tints for your home is among the ways to save money today? If you choose the right window tints, you can get as much as $500 back through government incentives.

All you need to do is fill in form 5695 and make it clear that you meet the energy efficiency requirement. The requirement in question is adding any insulation or system designed to reduce heat gain or loss in your home. Because window tints do exactly that, you may qualify for a tax rebate.

Take advantage of these tax rebates, and you can save some money on your window tint installation. You can use the money you save to get more energy-efficient installations to qualify for other incentives and save even more money.

Types of Window Tints

You’re likely to come across various types of window tints when in the market for some. Here are the most common types you’re likely to encounter:

Dual reflective or metallic window tint: These tints have microscopic metal pieces that reflect ultraviolet rays. They work in the same way a mirror reflects lights. Not only do they reduce heat, but they also help maintain privacy within the premises.

Fine metal or ceramic window tint: Ceramic tints do an excellent job of blocking heat from getting inside or going outside your home. Ceramic tints contain tiny ceramic pieces which help absorb heat from outside or inside.

Hybrid or pigment window tint: Pigment window tint is the most affordable window tint option. It uses a combination of various pigments, and yes, that collectively absorb light and heat. They give the window a more natural look that some homeowners might prefer.

It’s worth noting that different types of window tints came at different price points. It might not be such a good idea to settle on the cheapest options. Cheap window tints are prone to bubbling, peeling and may not last as long as you want them to.

As a rule of thumb, make sure you get your window tints from a reputable window tint installation company. After Googling, “home window tinting near me” do your homework and check out reviews and testimonials from previous customers. Also, try to find out whether the company in question has a warranty for their tints.

If you find a reputable window tinting company, you’ll be all set to save energy and save some cash while you’re at it.

Save Energy With the Right Home Window Tints

If you’re looking for ways to save energy and cut down utility bills, then you should invest in some high-quality window tints for your home. Make sure you find an appropriate installer to get your money’s worth. Consider all the window tint options and settle for one that suits your particular needs.

We hope you have now learned how to save energy. To read other informative articles, check out other posts on our blog.

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