Keeping Your Home Styled and Clean with Waterproof Mattresses

  • Postat în Life
  • la 21-03-2021 19:55
  • 425 vizualizări

Bedwetting is not a topic that most people are comfortable discussing. Especially when it occurs as an adult.

People expect a certain amount of it when dealing with toddlers, but it is a condition that can show up from time to time for a variety of reasons. Even pets can struggle with incontinence. The solution is to look into waterproof mattresses.

Let’s take a look at how they work and when you might need one.

Waterproof Mattresses: How Do They Work?

Most people don’t put much thought into their mattress as long as it is comfortable. The problem is the standard mattress is not waterproof. So if you have a bed wetter it doesn’t take long before a mattress is ruined.

Some try to use mattress protectors to create a barrier between the liquid and the mattress itself. While these do offer a few benefits they are not the best solution.

The bulky pads still have to be machine washed after each incident and will wear out after time. In addition, if an accident occurs while it is off the bed, you still have the potential for a soiled mattress.

A urine-resistant mattress doesn’t need an added pad. It is waterproof and repels moisture from reaching the core of the mattress. It is easy to clean with no lingering odor problems.

The good news is these waterproof mattresses come in varying degrees of firmness to meet your comfort level. There are even cool gel memory foam options for a refreshing and comfortable night’s sleep.

Who Benefits From a Waterproof Mattress?

It might surprise you that a moisture-resistant mattress can come in handy for many reasons. Once you realize how much protection it offers you will wonder why you never had one before.

Toddler Bed Wetting Issues

If you have a toddler in your home, or even one who comes to visit, you know that sometimes accidents just happen. You also know that they do not always sleep in their beds.

Have you ever had your toddler crawl into bed with you during the night? Or take a nap in your bed? Just one accident on a regular mattress will lead to unsightly stains and lingering odors.

Not to mention, toddlers are prone to spill and make messes. If they are on your bed, these will soak right on in. You definitely need a waterproof mattress with a toddler.

Adult Incontinence

It is an unfortunate fact that bladder control issues become a reality for some adults. There are many causes through different stages of life.

Pregnancy and dealing with childbirth can bring it on. Menopause is also often a culprit. Damaged nerves, prostate cancer, and just the simple process of aging will cause the occasional accident during the night.

What About Your Pets

Having a pet that urinates on your bed is both frustrating and concerning. It could be a reaction to stress or fear. It could also be a medical condition.

Either way, it can severely mess up a regular mattress. If you have a pet prone to accidents or dealing with bathroom issues, you owe it to yourself to have a waterproof mattress.

Keep Your Mattress Fresh and Dry

Like many people, you may not have given much thought to the benefits of waterproof mattresses. However, as you can see, they could be key to a clean, restful, and dry night’s sleep.

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