Apoi te gandesti... se merita?
Cam da, oricum dorm intr-o singura camera iar celelalte doua
sunt libere, moreover, asa tin tot timpul casa curata. Desi cred ca
mi-ar placea sa stau o luna intreaga singura,
iti vine sa crezi ca de 4 ani stau singura si in realitate nu
am stat singura niciodata?
Acum i-am zis lui L. sa se mute aici, imi cam pare rau, this
will end badly,
or it will end with me having a family and baby and stuff, it
will end with me finally being part of this society, although I
really doubt I will ever be just one more, I have always been an
outsider even of the minorities I have always found myself being
part of.
I sometimes feel my only flaw is being fat, I am not tall, but
I do have a pretty face, round boobs and intriguing personality,
that makes many of the guys want to cover my mouth and fuck me into
silence, that is kinda’ the effect I have on them.
Then I remember I am a bipolar and have a sad soul and I don’t
feel that perfect anymore.
L-am invitat pe L. aici.
Poate pentru ca deep down vreau sa fac parte din societate, sa
stau la casa mea, sa fac cina, sa am vreo doi copii, sa imi curga
balele cand ii vad cum dau descontrolat din picioruse si strang din
pumni cand se uita la cate o jucarie ce pare ca zboara... it’s like
watching an adult being on drugs, really.
E interesant cum se formeaza legaturile cerebrale si cum de la
o anumita varsta vrem ca copiii sa fie logici ca noi.
Si da, mi-e oarecum frica sa nu fie asta ultima mea sansa sa
fiu “normala”,
asa ca l-am gasit pe L., destul de compatibil, nu sforaie, nu
ii pute gura, ma imbrariseaza, ii e frica sa ma piarda si are 1,80
in inaltime, nice dick, reaches the G spot just fine, and lets be
breathe. What else can I ask for? Soulmate? I kind of doubt that
even exists,
every guy has been “the perfect one” until they climaxed, but
only a few stick around, and of the ones that did stick around,
this one has dark humor, lets me boss him around a little bit,
fights back just enough for me to respect him and I am not at all
ashamed of me being seen with him in public, actually, I am kind of
proud. May I assume this is love?! I will make sure to say all of
the above at my non religious wedding. I am such a cunt.
S-a mutat, si acum e la mine in dormitor, si e concentrat in
chestii ce pe mine nu ma intereseaza, asa ca m-am refugiat in
camera in care el si-a lasat hainele si toate catrafusele. El imi
ia dormitorul, eu ii iau patul din camera mea/lui, imi plateste
chirie, I am not sure who is winning, though.
Prin camera asta s-au mutat o gramada de persoane, si e mai
mult camera lor decat a mea, nu tin minte sa fi dormit niciodata
aici, desi e casa mea.
Imi vine in minte conversatia intre Sher si maica-sa (nu stiu
daca e de adevaratelea sau doar o campanie de PR) dar zice ca
maica-sa i-a zis intr-o zi: “darling, you need to find a rich man,
iar ea i-a raspuns “mom, I AM a rich man”
What a time to be alive.
This post entry has no conclusions.
The cat just came where I am and jumped on the bed and got
confortable by my legs, I think he doesn’t like L. very much.