May I sleep at your place tonight?

De 4 ani incoace-cred, mi-e lene sa calculez- au trecut vreo 100 de persoane pe la mine prin casa. Am doua camere in airbnb si adevarul e ca am cedat ceva-mult- confort, dar am castigat o jumatate de salariu minim pe luna, o treime de un salar bunicel. 
Apoi te gandesti... se merita? 
Cam da, oricum dorm intr-o singura camera iar celelalte doua sunt libere, moreover, asa tin tot timpul casa curata. Desi cred ca mi-ar placea sa stau o luna intreaga singura,
iti vine sa crezi ca de 4 ani stau singura si in realitate nu am stat singura niciodata?
Acum i-am zis lui L. sa se mute aici, imi cam pare rau, this will end badly,
or it will end with me having a family and baby and stuff, it will end with me finally being part of this society, although I really doubt I will ever be just one more, I have always been an outsider even of the minorities I have always found myself being part of. 
I sometimes feel my only flaw is b...