The denim shirt

        Hello ladies! Long time no see! As I may have said before my blog is not my job, it's my passion, one of my many hobbies & I try to take my time & post as oft as I can. Lately because of work & personal life (time with the hubby, cooking, cleaning & other indoor or outdoor activities) I did not get to post that often, at the moment I am trying to post at least once a week , I used to post 2 or 3 times a week when I wasn't married :)) but those awesome times are gone :)) just kidding, I love being married & giving up on my hobby is not an option! So at least once a week is something , better as nothing anyways... now back to the post! Wetter is as moody as usual but at least the temperatures are rising so I finally got to wear the newest item in my closet the #denimshirt !
Choosing a denim shirt is not an easy task for me, I know it's a basic item but I bought one a few years ago in a dark blue so it was about time to buy a new one &...