What does your star sign say about your investing approach? eToro platform data shows Scorpios are most cautious while Libras flock to luxury fashion

What does your star sign say about your investing approach? eToro platform data shows Scorpios are most cautious while Libras flock to luxury fashion

Typically tenacious Capricorns have highest risk score on eToro with fiery Leos just behind Traditionally loyal Virgos and sentimental Cancers hold fewer assets than other star signs Compassionate Scorpios most likely to over-index* on vegan stock Beyond Meat

Scorpios are the most cautious retail investors while traditionally tenacious Capricorns have the greatest risk appetite, according to data from the trading and investing platform eToro.

eToro segmented all of its global users by the signs of the zodiac before ranking them across different metrics (table 1) such as risk score, level of diversification (measured by how many differ...