• Winnie The Pooh... 307

    • Life
    • 21-07-2010 18:57

    In ultima vreme am capatat noi pitpalaci. Cum vine ziua lui A cel mic, care sta foarte comod in brate la bunela lui de la tara m-am hotarat ca prea mult timp am facut niste torturi groaznic de urate, asa ca am invatat sa fac pasta de zahar, care arata super pe orice tort. Dupa care m-am apucat sa invat sa fac Winnie Ursuletul din pasta de zahar ca sa-l pun pe tort, pentru ca este personajul

  • Liberty Parade 2010... 304

    • Life
    • 21-07-2010 16:06

    Au mai ramas mai putin de trei zile pana la marele eveniment al verii!Liberty Parade sosetse3 anul acesta pe litoral la fel de fresh, energic si electrizant ca si in anii precedenti, pregatiti sa ofere momente senzationale, pline de muzica buna si de calitate!Mega-evenimentul ii va avea ca special guest pe cei de la Above and Beyond, iar ca MC, Vali Barbulescu va fii prezent si pregatit sa ofere o seara incendiara alaturi de ceilalti invitati care vor arunca in aer scena dintre plaja Venus si Saturn. Ppls, go go go! Free your mind at LP2010 !

  • Drivers in Bacau, in general strike... 362

    • Life
    • 19-07-2010 06:57

    Drivers of public transport to Bacau company controlled by former mayor Dumitru Sechelariu mother, the general went on strike this morning due to a decrease wages and working hours change.One NorthEast Public Transport Employees argue that wages have been reduced without reason. By solving the problem, people say that they will not return to work. In these circumstances, representatives Bacău Hall ordered public transport company working to resolve the conflict quickly."We can not intervene because it is a private matter. I took note of this issue and I ordered the management company to remedy the situation, because this is a public company", Ionut told us Tomescu spokesman institution.The official said about three years, the company controlled by former first family has Dumitru Sechelariu competition in Bacau, Hall and attempts to organize a new tender for the awarding of city routes were blocked by prefecture. Also, Public Transport Company SA Bacau asked to subsidize

  • Romania defeated by water. To how much time?... 349

    • Life
    • 18-07-2010 05:12

    Authorities promise that will allow residents of Ceatalchioi building materials, to raise other homes. But only if the water is withdrawn from the village. That means in about three months after the findings of specialists. Too close for winter to start work in May. Until next year, in spring, if they could do something. Accommodate the victims in Tulcea fear of the authorities nor the second version: modular houses, constructed of wood, not too much help. First to repair broken dam the Danube, so as not to wake again take the waters. For nearly 100 people in total flooded area left the situation is even worse. There have packed on a piece of intact dam water or sleep on chairs, the ship Mircesti. Not a day passes without care physicians to be called to many elders, all heart. Virtually dozens of people living on a boat and get only canned food, bread and biscuits. Are older people who do not have anyone in the world. I like it enough to have appeared Ceatalchioi profiteers. Those who

  • Tornado in Russia... 365

    • Life
    • 18-07-2010 04:55

    Residents of nearby suburbs of Saint Petersburg have been witnessing an extreme weather phenomenon: a tornado, which killed in the way they did.A car was damaged after it was built on the road, air, strong winds and thrown in a parking lot. Meteorologists say the phenomenon is explained by a tropical heatwave that has mastered the home for more than two week's St. Petersburg. GO TO TOP^

  • Flood on the Prut River... 378

    • Life
    • 18-07-2010 04:52

    Roman warns that flood waters from Ukraine will spread these hours on the Prut River Prut Radauti Oroftiana sector, the station Radauti Prut, attention has already been overfished. Currently, families are evacuated from Radauti Prut preventive remained flooded area after the 2008 flood.Prut level, the station Chernovtsy, Ukraine area, is currently in decline. Oroftiana station, Prut record level of 790 cm and 140 cm above the danger level and trend growth is easy. Oroftiana share forecast station is 810 cm against 860 cm, as was recorded in 2008."Formed by the Prut River flood will be mitigated accumulation Rock Costesti accumulation performed very well from a technical standpoint, the earlier floods during transit (with maximum flow of 1750 cm / s, 2020 m / s and 2170 m / s, starting June 22). Currently, the rate Costesti Rock lake is constant for three hours and is ready to take the extra volume of flood coming from upstream. Reserve in the lake is about 250 million cubic met

  • Danube dam broke at Ceatalchioi, Tulcea.... 443

    • Life
    • 18-07-2010 04:31

    Dam safety in which to invest one million euros last year succumbed to pressure from Delta. Homes fell like cardboard boxes and dozens of families were evacuated. Latest information provided by authorities say that so far 60 people were evacuated by ship Mircesti, and another 60 people and left their homes voluntarily, while 25 families refused to leave now.The intervention teams from ISU, the police and firefighters try to repair the hole in the dike that has resisted the Danube. 213 households from the existing 250 villages were affected by floods, that aroximativ 90% of the village. Today, this village is almost completely compromised.Liviu Stoica, Tulcea gendarmerie spokesman said that people who do not want to leave have been informed of the risks, but can not be forced to leave their farms. 60 people have fled the plague to higher areas in the village, and 46 were taken directly stricken from Tulcea.Dam in the village anymore Ceatalchioi once in spring 2006 and since

  • The Opus... 321

    • Life
    • 06-07-2010 20:30

    Asta este pentru cei care au inteles postarea anterioara si le-a si placut. "The Opus" este continuarea documentarului "The Secret". Oricum este la fel de interesant si-l recomand. Putin peste o ora nu este chiar asa de mult...

  • The Secret... 315

    • Life
    • 05-07-2010 21:52

    Cine e curios sa vada ce si cum despre documentarul asta, nu are nimica de pierdut. Mai mult nu am ce sa spun decat ca este foarte interesant, bineinteles cine are rabdare sa-l urmareasca pe tot. Avertizez ca tine o ora jumate...

  • 180 Grade... 329

    • Life
    • 04-07-2010 20:45

    Gloria Stuart, actrita din Titanic care o interpreteaza pe Rose batrana, a implinit astazi 100 de ani. Am revazut filmul si ma minunam de cat de frumoasa poate sa fie totusi si asa batrana. Asa ca m-am intrebat cum o fi aratat tanara. Ei bine curiozitatea mi-a fost satisfacuta. Intradevar a aratat bine, in poza postata mai jos are 25 de ani. In poza urmatoare are 97 de ani si nu ma pot opri sa

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