(P) Zboruri Blue Air anulate sau întârziate: despăgubire în aceste situații 283
- Life
- 25-03-2022 09:59
I got this as an @yesstyleinfluencers pick from @yesstyle, but this is not the first time I use the Advanced Snail Mucin Power Essence from Cosrx. Back in the time when all beauty influencers were raving about this brand and when I first discovered KBeauty, I tried many of their products. I liked them all and this essence was indeed one of my favorites. It contains 96% snail mucin (secretion), which delivers moisture to the skin and supports repairing the damaged skin. The snail slime is also considered an anti-age ingredient in skincare, promising to restore the vitality of the skin and to soften the fine lines. Other key ing
Sub genericul, "Muzeul si prietenii sai, colectionarii", semnalam o inedita (cel putin pentru aceasta zona a Moldovei) manifestare la Muzeul de istorie Roman, simpozion si vernisaj de expozitie de orologie. Interesant ca majoritatea colectionarilor participanti sunt preoti.Simpozionul şi vernisajul expoziţiei "Omul şi timpul" vor avea loc joi, 24 martie 2022, de la orele 13, la sediul
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Prajitura de post cu gem nuci cacao este un desert rapid, savuros, usor de preparat. Cana folosita = 200 ml. Ingrediente Prajitura de post cu gem nuci cacao: 2 cani faina 2 cani apa 1 1/2 cana zahar 3 linguri gem 1 lingura cacao 1 plic praf de copt Decor: Postari asemanatoare: Chec de post cu cacao si nuci Prajitura cu mere cacao nuci Napolitane de post cu cacao