• Review: Valkyrie Rising (Valkyrie #1) by Ingrid Paulson 269

    Hey guys!Long time no see! I hope everyone is doing great!:) I haven't got that much time to read and blog lately, but I should have a few reviews posted soon. Valkyrie Rising (Valkyrie #1) by Ingrid PaulsonPublished: October 9th 2012 by HarperTeenFormat: Hardcover, 352 pagesGoodreads: Nothing ever happens in Norway. But at least Ellie knows what to expect when she visits her grandmother: a tranquil fishing village and long, slow summer days. And maybe she’ll finally get out from under

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  • Cover Reveal: Back to You by Priscilla Glenn... 251

    Hi guys! Back to You has been on my radar for a while now, it seems to fit my New Adult Contemp addiction just right. So I'm excited to share the new cover with you today! *Cover reveal organized by: AToMR Tours

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  • After Dark by Emi Gayle: Book Blast & $50 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway 261

    Hi guys!It's been a while since I recommended you a good YA Paranormal series, so here's one I'm sure you will like: After Dark (The 19th Year #1) by Emi GaylePublished: October 31st 2012 by J. Taylor PublishingFormat: Paperback, 344 pagesGoodreads:  What eighteen year old Mac Thorne doesn’t know will probably kill her. In exactly eight months, five days, three hours and thirteen minutes, Mac has to choose what she’ll be for the rest of her life. She has no choice but to pick. As

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  • Cover Reveal: The Summer I Became a Nerd by Leah Rae Miller @EntangledTeen 260

    Hi guys! I'm interrupting today's festivities to show you a cute, summery cover for a book that sounds awesome and fun and that I can't wait to read!The Summer I Became a Nerd by Leah Rae Miller comes out just in time for summer next year, from Entangled Publishing. Here's the scoop: The Summer I Became a Nerd

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  • Waiting on Wednesday #39 - The Ward by Jordana Frankel 240

    Hi! Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly feature hosted by Jill @ Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases we're eagerly anticipating.My pick this week... The Ward by Jordana FrankelRelease date: April 30th 2013

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  • Review: Just for Now (Sea Breeze #4) by Abbi Glines 262

    Hi! Just for Now (Sea Breeze #4) by Abbi GlinesPublished: October 30th 2012 by Simon & SchusterFormat: Kindle Edition, 304 pagesGoodreadsThe day Preston Drake figured out that wealthy women paid well for a set of tight abs and a pretty face his life turned around. The run down rat-infested trailer he had shared with his alcoholic mother and three younger siblings was now only a place he visited to pay the bills and stock the pantry with food. He no longer worried about his family starving or

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  • Waiting on Wednesday #38 - The Archived by Victoria Schwab 252

    Hi! Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly feature hosted by Jill @ Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases we're eagerly anticipating. The Archived (The Archived #1) by Victoria Schwab Release date: January 22nd 201

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  • bucată din mine... 207

    Ai cei mai frumoși ochi, păru-ți mereu are formă, hainele sunt gri, iar teneșii... mereu călcați. Esti foarte inteligentă, frustrată, dar îmi place să te numesc naivă. Defapt, încă-mi curge sânge pe ambele părți pe care m-ai rumenit. Și acum ești o copilă care-și caută ridurile, în aceeași epocă, ca și mine. Tot ce gândești este bine punctat, motiv pentru care eu sunt publicul tău, aș prefera să înțeleg totuși modul tău de eliberare, dar ai dreptate, nu îl înțeleg și nici nu știu dacă îl voi înțelege vreodată. Îți aduni memoria pe o hârtie electronica sperând să nu-ți pierzi gândurile. Sintetizez sufletul și încerc cât pot de mult să mă prind de ceea ce simți. Încerci să nu-ți eliberezi speranța pentru că-ți pasă. Speri să-ți găsești sensul în timp ce alergi haotic, fără ca nimeni să nu te prinda din urmă. Sens, fără de care nu ai fugi, sens existent însă. Toate bucățile de carne din jurul meu îmi râd spunându-mi cât sunt de bună față de ele. Le condensez prospețimea, răd cu ele, căc

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  • Undeadly by Michele Vail - Blog Tour: Playlist & Giveaway 245

    Hi! I'm super excited to kick off the Blog Tour for Undeadly by Michele Vail today! Kismet Blog Touring and Michele have a lot of fun stuff and giveaways in store for you, so stay tuned!Undeadly comes out soon and today we're sharing the playlist Michele put together for her story. It's perfect to set the mood for the tour! :)But first, some info on the book: (and see my previous post for my review)

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  • Review: Undeadly (The Reaper Diaries #1) by Michele Vail 256

    Hi! Undeadly (The Reaper Diaries #1) by Michele VailRelease date: November 20th 2012 by Harlequin TeenFormat: Paperback, 272 pagesGoodreads: The day I turned 16, my boyfriend-to-be died. I brought him back to life. Then things got a little weird... Molly Bartolucci wants to blend in, date hottie Rick and keep her zombie-raising abilities on the down-low. Then the god Anubis chooses her to become a reaper—and she accidentally undoes the work of another reaper, Rath. Within days, she's shipped off to th

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