5 Telltale Signs You Need Home Mold Remediation

Did you know that mold can cause serious health problems, even if it is not visible? If you suspect mold is present in your property, then you can not delay removal. You need to understand the damage it can do to your property and your health. 

If you suspect mold in the home, then you need mold remediation. Read on for our essential 5 signs that you need home mold remediation quickly. 

1. Scents and Odors

One of the first signs that you need mold remediation is the scent. Mold produces a very distinct odor. It has a musty, damp smell to it. 

Even if you remove the visible mold, you may still smell the lingering scent. This is because mold can penetrate into a number of places that you may not be able to see. The smell could be coming from the pages of books, fabrics, or behind floorboards and walls. 

2. Visible Spores

The most obvious signs are that you can actually see mold. It comes in a lot of shapes and sizes, each quite distinctive from the las...