My first experience with Elif Shafak took the form of
Daughters of Eve (2016) and left me somewhat disappointed. It
is a well written book and I could easily recognise the author's
talent and her
intelligent use of various narrative
techniques, yet it could have been a splendid book had it not
been for the few supernatural appearances, unrealistic experiences
and some elements of the plot.
It could have been a great book dealing with
modern day problems
like terrorism, religion and its place in the 21st century,
feminism, Eastern and Western societies, democracy and so
forth. Unfortunately, Shafak turned all these stringent problems
into some sort of a classic
professor-student love
I could have happily written pages on feminism and motherhood; on
how Peri evolved from a curious little girl who swore not to repeat
her mother's mistakes into a brave, powerful and independent woman,
who raised her three children in the spirit of feminism and
globalization. I would have eagerly mentioned Peri's promise to
herself "not [to] live the life of her mother. She would not be
inhibited, limited and reduced to something she was not". I would
have bragged about a woman's power to overcome her condition, to
surpass everyone's expectations, including hers, to succeed in a
foreign land afraid of (Turkish) immigrants, to fight oppression
and chauvinism. I would have proudly made Peri a spokesperson for
Third World feminism.
Sadly, Peri failed to become the woman of my imaginary essay on
feminism. As her daughter comments, she chose to "drop out of
Oxford, return to Istanbul, get married, give up your education,
have three kids in a row and become a housewife. How original,
bravo!" Through these choices, Peri proved her depressed and overly
pious mother was right: "For Selma, Peri's education was less and
intellectual awakening or the precursor to a promising career than
a briefly interlude before her wedding."
I loved Peri in the beginning of the novel. I loved her as she was
chasing and fighting the thief that stole her purse. I loved her
force and determination, as heedless as they were. But I ended up
feeling disappointed. She lost all her dreams of being the only one
in her family to graduate from college and of becoming a powerful
woman with an important career. All because of her love for
professor Azur. But, after all, isn't this what feminism is about?!
Isn't feminism a woman's freedom to choose for herself?
In short, the novel is an enjoyable book to read, yet it could have
been better had it focused more on feminism, religion and Turkish
P.S. Alas, the open ending was so predictable!
* I received an advanced reading e-book copy from the publisher via