Bucuresti 1965

O noua selectie de imagini, via fortepan.hu . Bucurestiul inca arata cochet si elegant, incepuse dezrusificarea, plus o oarecare deschidere catre occident... Cu un an inainte incepus importul la greu de Renault si Fiat, si deja sunt o prezenta semnificativa pe strazi. Erau si o bruma de alte masini vestice, o interbelica sau doua, si cativa masini in trecere (de remarcat Volgile din URSS cu numere consecutive)... Din pacate pozele nu au surprins ceva chiar palpitant dpdv automobilistic, doar o lume mult pierduta... Adaugam 2-3 poze bonus si de pe litoral.A fresh selection of images via fortepan.hu. Bucharest still looked elegant; the de-Russification period had begun, and people were looking once more to the West... A year beforehand, the import of Fiats and Renaults had begun, and they are already a significant presence. Plus one or two other Western imports, a few pre-war survivors, and some tourists' cars (including some interesting Soviet Volgas with consecutive plates): sadly noth...