Imagini preluate din filmele din arhiva Sahia, prezentand mini-automobilul M.R. 1957, construit in orasul Stalin in 1957, de catre inginerul Radu Manicatide cu ajutorul unui colectiv de la uzina de reparat material volant.
Consumul e de 3-4l /100km, cu o viteza maxima de 60-70 km/h. Motor moocilindric, in doi timpi, racit cu aer si cu o putere de 5.5CP. Cantarind 170kg, e o masina extrem de utilitara, nu mult peste o motocicleta cu atas si sub nivelul masinilor interbelice care inca circulau. Totusi, ca una din primele tentative de a construi asa ceva in tara, isi are un loc important in istoria auto din Romania.
A set of screenshots from the Sahia archives showing the M.R. minicar built in Stalin (now Brasov) in 1957 by the engineer Radu Manicatide working with a team from the local plane repair factory.
The engine was a two-stroke single cylinder model developing 5.5hp, taking the car to a top speed of 60-70 kph and giving a fuel consumption of u