Euroscola experience

  • Postat în Personal
  • la 09-02-2015 13:53
  • 365 vizualizări
Euroscola experience
Imaginea este preluată automat împreună cu articolul de pe Ana-Maria Balan Blog
Buna. O sa vorbesc astazi despre programul Euroscola dar nu si despre ceea ce a venit la pachet cu acest program adica excursia de 7 zile pana in Strasbourg si inapoi. Voi traduce si in limba engleza pentru Alice si Molly si...pentru oricine altcineva care intelege limba engleza.
Hello.I am going to talk to you about the Euroscola programme but not about everything that came with it ,namely the trip to Strasbourg and back home.I'm ,of course ,translating this for Alice and Molly , the girls I befriended an the European Parliament [Hello ,girls!] , and for everyone else who reads this.
Vara trecuta m-am inscris ,alaturi de cativa colegi de clasa,respectiv de liceu , la concursul Euroscola. In acel moment totul era doar o idee, nimic concret. Incetul cu incetul proiectul nostru ,al Colegiului National Spiru Haret , numit RO-YOUTH a inceput sa se contureze . Intreaga vara am desfasurat activitati in scopul informarii populatiei tinere ,dar nu numai , despre alegerile europarlamentare viitoare ,despre drepturile acestora ca cetateni europeni s.a.
Am organizat o dezbatere , am impartit manifeste ,am chestionat tineri , ne-am documentat despre tarile europene ...deci , per total am dus o adevarata campanie de informare si autoinformare.
In urma eforturilor depuse de catre noi ,elevii si de catre profesorii coordonatori Voinea Dumitru si Onica Monica am castigat o excursie la Strasbourg al carei scop a fost participarea la Euroscola Day.
Euroscola este o experienta care ...pur si simplu iti schimba intreaga viata. Te face sa realizezi ca faci parte din ceva mult mai mare decat tine . Exista lucruri de o foarte mare importanta pe care noi ,cetatenii de rand uneori le ignoram sau nu realizam ce impact au acestea asupra societatii in care traim. Parlamentul european exista pentru a adopta masuri care ne usureaza noua ,tuturor cetatenilor, viata. Si abia atunci cand te afli pe un scaun in sala aceea uriasa iti dai seama de responsabilitatea uriasa pe care o au oamenii aceia. A fost o experienta coplesitoare.
Am ajuns la Parlament la ora 8 dimineata unde am luat micul dejun. Impropriu zis mic dejun pentru ca noi,cei din Romania mancasem deja la hotel ,asa ca am profitat de acest timp pentru a socializa .Din toti cei aflati acolo noi am fost cei ce am spart gheata si am inceput sa vorbim cu ceilalti. Ne duceam la alte mese , ii intrebam pe cei de acolo de unde sunt , cum se simt si alte chestii de genul asta. A fost foarte tare ("fu tare" citat din domnul Toma , unul din cei doi soferi ai nostrii) .
Dupa masa am intrat in sala plenara unde am ascultat cativa reprezentanti ai Parlamentului care ne-au vorbit despre acesta si despre Uniunea European in general. Dupa discursurile lor cei din sala am avut prilejul de a pune intrebari din orice domenii la care reprezentantii ne-au raspuns.
Dupa aceasta am fost condusi la mese unde am luat am luat pranzul pentru ca ne-au fost date chestionarele pentru Eurogame ,si am avut destul de putin timp la dispozitie sa raspundem la cele 20 de intrebari avand in vedere faptul ca fiecare intrebare era intr-o alta limba . Pentru acest chestionar a trebuit sa formam echipe de catre 4 persoane. Eu am fost in aceeasi echipa cu Alice ,din Grecia si inca doua fete din Cehia si Austria a caror nume nu mi le amintesc (zau ca au nume greu de retinut) . A fost dificil dar intr-un final am raspuns la intrebari. Imi pierdusem la un moment dat coechipierele ,dar le-am gasit ,ne-am scris numele pe foaia aceea si le-am predat.
Mai departe am fost despartit in grupe de lucru conform simbolurilor temelor pe care le pregatisem. Eu am fost triunghi adica am avut ca tema risipa de alimente. A fost o tema foarte interesanta care a fost intens discutata si disecata.
Dupa aproximativ o ora si jumatate de discutii purtatorul de cuvant ,Lidia ,si redactorul [nu stiu daca acesta este termenul corect) au redactat raportul final pe care l-au prezentat in sala plenara. Dupa-amiaza a fost un succes total. Au fost prezentate toate rapoartele ,pentru fiecare tema in parte . Au fost puse intrebari de catre cei din sala ,ne-a fost raspuns de catre purtatorii de cuvant si totul a iesit foarte bine. Dupa ce au fost adoptate rapoartele a avut loc ce-a de-a doua etapa a concursului Eurogame. Primele 4 echipe cu punctajul cel mai mare au fost selectate pentru ce-a de-a doua faza a concursului. Am avut onoarea de a fi intr-una din aceste echipe. Ne-au fost puse intrebari de cultura generala la care noi , echipa rosie am raspuns corect. Adica am raspuns corect la toate. Si am intrat la baraj cu echipa alba. Ne-a fost pusa o intrebare suplimentara. Am raspuns a fost acelasi raspuns ca si la cealalta echipa. A trebuit sa mai raspundem odata. Si am raspuns mai aproape de adevar decat cealalta echipa. Si am castigat.
Toate acestea s-au desfasurat in decursul a 10 ore. La ora 6 dupa-amiaza am iesit de la Parlament ,am urcat in autocar , ne-am plimbat putin si ne-am indreptat spre hotelul Ibis.
Cam asa a fost Ziua Euroscola . A fost o zi in care am cunoscut foarte multi oameni de nationalitati diferite , cu idei diferite ,care vorbesc limbi diferite ,care provin din medii diferite . Per total a fost o experienta ... pe care as repeta-o oricand ,fara sa stau pe ganduri.
Last summer I registred , together with a few of my classmates and schoolmates ,to the Euroscola competition. At the beginig we had nothing concrete ,just some ideas. Slowly ,our project , Spiru Haret National College's project , named ROYOUTH outlined itself. The whole summer we developed some activities to inform young population ,but not only , about the next European elections ,about their rights as european citizens and other Europe related subjects.
We organised a debate ,we shared manifests ,we interviewed young people ,we informed ourselves about european contries ,so overall we ...lead an informing campaign ,and most importantly a self-informing campaign.
As a consequence to our efforts ,both students and teachers (the English teacher Onica Monica and geography teacher Voinea Dumitru) we won a trip to Strasbourg whose goal was atending the Euroscola Day .
Euroscola it's a life changing experience. It makes you realise you're part of something bigger than you .There are things of great importance that we, citizens often ignore or we don't consider the impact they have on our society . The European Parliament is there to take measures to ease our lifes. And only when you're sitting on a chair in that huge room you realise the responsability those people have . Euroscola was an ....overwhelming experience.
We arrived at the Parliament at 8 o'clock in the morning where we had breakfast. For us , the romanians it wasn't actually a breakfast , because we already took it at the hotel, it was more of an opportunity to socialise , to meet new people ,to make friends.We ,the ones from Romania , were the most friendly people there , we were the first ones who started talking with other contries representants.We started asking them where they were from , how they were feeling. It was awesome.
After the breakfast we entered the plenary room [ I hope it's right] where we listened to a few representants of the Parliament who have told us about the E.U. in general. After their speeches we had the opportunity to ask questions about ...about everything we wanted and get the answers from them.
After all that we were led to tables where we had lunch . There and then we were given the Eurogame questionnaire, and we had quite little time to answer those questions given that each question was in a different european language.For these questionnaires we had to form teams of 4 members ,each of other nationalities. I was in the same team with Alice from Greece and 2 other girls I don't know the names of(they had hard names to remember) from Croatia and Austria. It was difficult but we managed .
After that we were split into working groups ,groups that matched our symbols. Each symbol had a topic we prepared at school. I was a triangle ,so I had the topic food waste.It was an interesting topic we've discused.
After about an hour and a half of disscusions our spoke person ,Lidia Albu and the editor [I don't remember the term used] have written the final report which they presented in the plenary room. The afternoon was a total succes.All the reports were presented ,for each of the six topics , and people from the room asked questions and the spokespersons answered.After all the reports were adopted ,there was held the second phase of the Eurogame. The first four teams with the highest scores were selected for these phase. I had the honor of being in one of these teams. We have been asked trivia questions to which we ,the red team, answered correctly[we answered correctly all oh them]. In the end we had the same number of points as the white team . Then we have been asked another question to which we answered the same as the other team. So we had to be more specific . We answered closer to the truth than the other team so....we won :D.
All of these took place within 10 hours .At 6pm we exited the Parliament and we headed to Ibis ,the hotel where we stayed.

So that was Euroscola Day . It was a wonderful day. I met a lot of people of different nationalities , with different ideas and mentalities , who talk different languages. It was a beautiful experience that I would repeat without a second thought.
Next I'm gonna put some random pictures.

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