How Much Does Tree Removal Cost? A Simple Price Guide

There’s an old tree that’s out in your yard, and it’s leaning at an odd angle. You don’t want to tear it down, but you’re starting to worry about what will happen if it falls over.

If it does fall, will it hit the house? Will it knock down other trees that will fall on your car?

It might be time to remove that tree from your yard. But tree removal is not your area of expertise, so it’s probably wiser to hire somebody to remove the tree for you.

So, if you’ve decided on a tree removal project, you’re probably asking several questions, including “How much does tree removal cost?” Keep reading for your guide for removing a tree.

Reasons for Tree Removal

There are several reasons you may consider removing a tree from your yard. Most of the reasons take into account the threat of a tree falling on a nearby house, car, person, or other structure.

Some reasons to