International Journalism Seminar TVR Iasi 2014

I told you a few days ago that I am going to participate  to this event .And so I did. And I'm glad I did it.
I want to apologise for writing this so late ,but school takes a lot of my time. First of all I want to speak about the little problems I had before going there. When I found out I was supposed to go to Iasi I sent an e-mail to the one that organised the event asking about accomodation and that was my bad, but I knew they were lodging[??] Alexandra somewhere ,so I presumed [do not do that , it's a bad thing] that they were doing that for everyone ,but they werent. So the night before my departure [tuesday evening] I get a call from someone in Tecuci [I'm not gonna name that person ,because it'a not a nice thing to do] telling me "Why did you signed up? You weren't invited!" . And it's true I h...