Meditatie pentru concentrare optima

Meditatie ghidata vocal de Catalin Bogdan Veti primi link-ul de acces la meditatie dupa efectuarea comenzii. Aveti acces la meditatie nelimitat. Puteti descarca meditatia si o puteti utiliza pe orice dispozitiv.

Prezentare Instructor Fondator Karanna© – Catalin Bogdan  ۞ Formator Acreditat CNFPA ۞ Consilier de Dezvoltare Personala Acreditat CNFPA ۞Advanced Certified Hypnotist AAH (The American Alliance of Hypnotists) ۞ Hipno-Terapeut Acreditat CIT (The College of Integrated Therapies) ۞ Terapeut Regresie in Vieti Anterioare Acreditat CIT (The College of Integrated Therapies) ۞ Trainer Acreditat IPHM – Tehnici de Protectie Psiho-Energetica (PSY DEFENCE) ۞ Instructor Acreditat Centre of Excellence - Hypnotherapy Masters Diploma ۞ Instructor Acreditat Centre of Excellence - Hypnotherapy Past Life Regression Diploma

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