POEM: Ghost in Love

He left this world, 
But he didn’t make it to the other world. 
He was stuck between earth and heaven. 
Love is what kept him chained to this world and it wouldn’t set him free. 
He loved a woman on this earth, 
But she didn’t know about his love. 
She didn’t see him. 
She didn’t hear him. 
She didn’t know he existed. 
When he thought it was his time to leave, the bright light did not open in front of him. 
Angels did not call him. 
Instead, darkness lay ahead, 
And his steps wouldn’t follow it. 
His spirit came back. 
He needed to find his closure before he could leave this world for good. 
He wandered on earth aimlessly. 
How could he find his way to complete his journey? 
What could he do to open up the bright light 
And let the angels know 
That he...