Why Is My House AC Not Cooling? How to Find Out

Having a faulty AC unit is a drastic problem, especially when you live somewhere with an extreme climate. Whether you’re escaping from the heat or avoiding the cold, your home should be the place where you’re most comfortable. The last thing you want is to come home to a frigid, cold house or a hot and unbearable house. 

When your house AC stops working, there could be several reasons why. The most important step is understanding what’s causing the problem so you can correct it as quickly as possible. 

Is your house AC not cooling properly? In the guide below, there are several reasons why your central air conditioner might be having trouble. Continue reading to learn more and start your journey towards a more comfortable home!

A Dirty Air Filter

Your AC unit’s air filter filters all the dust, dirt, and other debris that enters the air. Instead of allowing it to transfer through your unit, the filter catches all this debris and helps keep your home’...