Your No-Nonsense Guide to Buying a Water Softener

Buying a water softener can protect your skin and your appliances from the damaging effects of hard water. But does it really make a difference which one you buy?

Actually, it does. Some brands are more reliable than others. And not all water softeners have the same features.

So where do you even begin to narrow down your options? You begin right here.

To clarify, this guide has all the information you need to find the right water softener for you. Use the points below to make an educated decision.

Types of Water Softeners: Know Your Options

We’ll start by describing the basic types of water softeners you have to choose from. This includes whole-house water softeners and appliance-specific water softeners. Here are the pros and cons of each.

Whole-House Water Softeners

If you can afford it, we highly suggest whole-house water softeners for those who are burdened by hard water. This is a one-and-done solution for all your hard water problems.