• Cum am inceput sa am zile mai bune dupa ce am tradus „Cum sa ai o zi buna” 346

    Plasata sub auspiciile unui motto minunat (“Modul in care ne petrecem zilele este, desigur, modul in care ne petrecem vietile.” – Anne Dillard), cartea Cum sa ai o zi buna de Caroline Webb ar putea fi considerata un manual de automanagement sau self-coaching, pozitionat aproape perfect la intersectia dintre cercetarea stiintifica riguros documentata si ghidul... Citește mai mult

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  • Banii din perioada comunista, anul 1966: Moneda de 1 leu si bancnota de 10 lei 336


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  • IMAGINI colorate cu fluturasi / ILUSTRATII... 331

    Printre minunatele insecte colorate se numara fluturasii. Am ales si am postat cateva imagini frumoase cu acestia. Imagine cu fluturas ...

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  • Hurts... 273

    "Never give up, it's such a wonderful life."If I turn back in my past and remember things that happened and affected me , maybe I would start to cry  or maybe I feel nothing.For my past love stories, when I remember I feel nothing. It's like I see a movie in which I  was not the main character. But for the memories I had with somebody who is still in my life, for example my parents, I will remember and maybe cry for hours, or for days.When somebody tells you, that you have a problem, maybe you would reflect for a moment and forget about this chapter quickly. If more close persons would tell you that you have a problem, then maybe your heart will broke in pieces and maybe you will forget to breath or to live for a moment.Bad words could be like swords and wounds will always leave behind signs.Or maybe you will start to convince yourself that you really have a problem, and behave like this.People are always comparing yourself with others, you are never good en

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  • Pe strada unde...... 307

    Pe strada unde muzica se aude în depărtareÎmi număr pașii și lacrimile cu sângePe strada unde muzica se ascultă în surdinăTrecutul mă ucide ca veninul unei cobrePe strada unde muzica este dată tareInima îmi moare secundă de secundăPe strada unde nu-i muzică și veselieDoliul mușcă cu nesaț din garduriPe strada unde moartea cântă la vioarăCadavrul meu invită viermii să valseze©CosteaMircea, 26 - 06 - 2016

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  • Pe bulevard in 1965 / On the boulevard in 1965... 319

    Recent, pagina Facebook "Bucurestiul in imagini" a publicat niste fotografii exceptional de interesante aratand file din istoria capitalei. Aceasta poza arata bulevardul Magheru in vara anului 1965. E minunat de detaliata, si surprinde cateva masini destul de interesante...Mentionam: taxi Volga; Moskvich 402 si 403, si ce pare a fi sau un break sau o dubita, variante de care nu auzisem in Romania; un Nash antebelic; Volvo Amazon; Mercedes Heckflosse, cu numere nemtesti; o Lancia Flavia din Italia; dubite TV-4 si 41; Pobeda pick-up; si primele Fiaturi 850, proaspat importate ca un semn a dezrusificarii. Iar bulevardul arata frumos, curat, ingrijit, civilizat, nu ca astazi...Recently, the Facebook page "Bucharest in images" has published some wonderful photos of Bucharest in the old days. This shows the central Magheru boulevard on a summer's day in 1965. It's very detailed, and shows some quite interesting vehicles...Among which: a Volga taxi; Moskvich 402 and 40

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  • Solstitiu de vara... 326

    Solstiţiul de vară este marcat în fiecare an în jurul zilei de 21 iunie, atunci când în emisfera nordică Soarele se află la cea mai mică distanţă faţă de Pământ, dând naştere cele mai lungi zile din an.Solstiţiul de vară este favorabil unor magii puternice, care îşi pot pune amprenta pozitivă asupra unor schimbări în dragoste, prosperitate sau sănătate. Energia solstiţiului de vară este considerată a fi o energie a pasiunii, vitalităţii, creativităţii şi belşugului.Solstiţiul de vară era şi un prilej de găsire şi folosire a apei magice. Îmbăierea în lacuri sau râuri avea un efect curativ, dar constituia şi un ritual de renaştere. În unele regiuni, spălatul cu roua adunată în ajunul solstiţiului reprezenta o practică magică de frumuseţe, iar în altele, îmbăierea în apa cu ierburi din noaptea solstiţiului reprezenta o cură de refacere a sănătăţii şi vigorii.Miezul verii a dat mereu prilejul organizării unor festivaluri dedicate at

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  • Brand-ul nostru este suferinta... 205

    Partea I Partea II ...

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  • the beautiful investment... 284

    Throughout football’s history the sport has rarely been glamorous. The majority of games, played week in week out, by the 92 teams of the english football league are dirty, scrappy affairs. Cold food, warm beer and blind refs. The fact is, to be a real football fan(particularly a fan of club that has not secured long term investment or seen regular silverware lifted) is a struggle. Millions of fans,season after season, walk the tight rope between jaded pessimism and blind optimism, only to find their team(usually) somewhere between the top 2 and the bottom 3, with only the knowledge that we could of done it better, to keep us going til the start of the next season. January is the month when the once hidden now open struggle reaches its peak, the old jaded pessimists and the young optimists, lay bets on the inevitable rise or fall of their beloved club. More and more, however january is becoming the month when class-conscious football fans feel the need to ask themselves - do i really h

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  • 5 reasons to choose vaping eliquids instead of smoking 310

    The Royal College of Physicians and Public Health England are saying that smokers should be reassured that vaping is much less harmful than smoking and they encourage everyone to choose vaping eliquids instead of tabacco cigarettes. More than this, vaping eliquids can also be a very tasteful habbit because of all the delicious flavors you can choose from. Vaping eliquids from e-cigarettes is not a “gateway” to smoking, because you can choose the amount of nicotine in the product you use. FreeSmoke UK Vape Shop gives you a large variety of flavors and tastes of eliquids, with 0 mg up to 6 mg nicotine strength you can choose from. British Charities such as British Heart Foundation and Cancer Research UK agree that vaping eliquids can save lives. They say that more than 70% of British smokers should try to use e-cigarettes to quit smoking for good. Further than 720.000 people have manged to quit cigarettes after using e-cigare

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