- Educatie
10-06-2016 15:19
Throughout football’s history the sport has rarely been glamorous. The majority of games, played week in week out, by the 92 teams of the english football league are dirty, scrappy affairs. Cold food, warm beer and blind refs. The fact is, to be a real football fan(particularly a fan of club that has not secured long term investment or seen regular silverware lifted) is a struggle. Millions of fans,season after season, walk the tight rope between jaded pessimism and blind optimism, only to find their team(usually) somewhere between the top 2 and the bottom 3, with only the knowledge that we could of done it better, to keep us going til the start of the next season. January is the month when the once hidden now open struggle reaches its peak, the old jaded pessimists and the young optimists, lay bets on the inevitable rise or fall of their beloved club. More and more, however january is becoming the month when class-conscious football fans feel the need to ask themselves - do i really h
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