• Gimnastele Şcolii Copiilor pe scenă... 195

    Abia trecuseră ecourile concursului de Gimnastică Aerobică de la Giurgiu, când lumina reflectoarelor s-a concentrat din nou pe gimnastele Şcolii Copiilor prezente pe scena festivalului CONIL FEST ediţia a IV-a, 11 decembrie 2011 Bucureşti.Puteţi urmări evoluţia lor cu numerele solo de gimnastică aerobică cât şi dansul (Danza Kuduro) executat împreună cu colegele şi colegii lor de la celelalte discipline sportive ale Şcolii Copiilor (Handbal şi Majorete) în materialul video de mai jos. Dacă v-a plăcut evoluţia fetelor şi dacă v-aţi dori ca şi fetiţa sau băiatul dvs. să poată face aşa ceva sau dacă vă doriţi doar să facă mişcare  sub atenta şi competenta îndrumare a unei campioane mondiale la gimnastică aerobică (Izabela Lăcătuş) vă aşteptăm să o / îl înscrieţi la orele de gimnastică ale Şcolii Copiilor (detalii aici)

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  • This is Part One !!! ENJOY... 172

    We Have to admit that no matter how muchwe would like a song, we get boredof it especially when the aradio stations broadcast itaround the clock to gethigher ratings. Understand to promote a song but to broadcast it twice in an hour is too much. And some radio stations seems that they have one play list an

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  • Provocarea secreta: Costite dulci acrisoare... 256

    Bineînțeles ca nu nu puteam sa ratez provocarea secreta din aceasta luna a Amei de pe blogul Ama în bucătărieBlogul de inspirație a fost Piri Piri e Canela a Ramonei , un blog foarte interesant, cu rețete inedite , specificei zonei în care Ramona trăiește ( Portugalia)Cu siguranța am sa mai încerc și alte rețete de pe blogul ei , dar acum am ales sa o fac pe aceasta deoarece aveam toate ingredientele necesa

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  • Noaptea alba a reducerilor 2012 | Gold Plaza... 291

    Gold Plaza te invita la editia de iarna a marilor reduceri!Pe 27 ianuarie, intre orele 20 si 1, reducerile te tin treaz la Gold Plaza! Vino sa te bucuri de preturi, oferte si promotii speciale la noaptea alba a reducerilor.In plus, ti-am pregatit un eveniment deosebit: Barista jam the future of coffee show! Cinci dintre cei mai mari iubitori ai cafelei se vor intrece intr-o competitive spectaculoasa de barista coffee.Pregateste-te pentru o noapte alba, pe 27 ianuarie, intre 20 si 1, numai la Gold Plaza!

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  • chiftele suedeze... 208

    Recomandarea suedezilor... să le preparaţi cu multa dragoste!!! secretul lor este laptele adăugat în compoziţie, aroma de ienibahar şi prăjitul in unt. Ingrediente:1000 grame carne tocată amestec (porc şi vită)200 ml lapteo felie mare de paine2 oua2 cepe  o lingurita ienibahar sarepiper150 g unt si ulei pentru prajitCeapa ,data pe razatoate am calit-o in p

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  • ... 183

    European Top 20 (16.1.12 -22.1.12) 1.Rihanna - We found love (video) 2.LMFAO - Sexy and i know it (video) (+) 3.Bruno Mars - It will rain (video) (+) ...

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  • Remember O-Zone?... 174

    Being bored of listening the same music all day, yesterday I started to search some music that I didn’t heard for long time on radio and I found a play list whit some old music. Among the songs I found some hits from O-Zone. And i was wondering what happened with them after they split.             I don’t think there is someone who didn’t heard evenonce one of

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  • Dave Aude Podcast Series: Audacious, ep. 063 (Andy Caldwell) 189

    It seems like Dave Aude is always on schedule, as we can see his podcasts never been delayed; his latest radio show features Andy Caldwell and like every time he impresses us with his inspiring track selection. Take a listen to "Audacious Radio Show, Episode 063: Tracklist:1. MK – Burning (James Talk & Ridney Remix) 2. HiJack, Brabe – Boogie (Original) 3. MYNC, Wally Lopez vs Yazoo – Don’t Go Back To Back (Dave Audé Mash) 4. Fedde Le Grand – So Much Love (Original) 5. David Guetta ft Sia – Titanium (Alesso Remix) 6. DBN Pres Tom Shark ft Shena – Le Freak (Original) 7. Noferini vs PCD – Don’t Fact Cha (Dave Audé Mash) 8. Wynter Gordon – Buy My Love (Loud Ma

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  • Alexandra Stan... 169

    Since I had some more visitors on the blog I thought I should come with an  interesting subject maybe I succeed to arouse your  interest in my articles and especially the music I listen, and I hope you will enjoy it to.Now I want to present or rather to bring to your attention even more (because you already know her) Alexandra Stan, a singer from Romania who managed to be known outside our country. I listen to her music and I really like her (Damn She Is HOT !!!) songs and I bet that you have heard of MR SAXOBEAT, one of the songs that put her in the UK Tops.

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  • Something New... 151

    And if I tried to promote a radio from RomaniaI thought I should try to promotesome artists who aretalented and deserve to be heard abroad. Some of them had the chance to launchsuccessfully internationally, but because of too much fame t

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