• Cina cea de taină... 304

    Oricât ar părea de neînţeles şi de paradoxal, rămâne întotdeauna faptul că oamenii devin sfinţi nu prin dorinţa proprie, ci prin chemarea suverană a lui Dumnezeu (Cugetări creştine)

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  • Arta managementului – Curajul de a-ti asuma riscuri! 369

    Lectie de management – studiu de caz: La spargerea unei bănci, participă doi spărgători. Primul strigă: – „Nu mişcă nimeni! Țineţi cont: banii sunt ai altora, viaţa este a voastră.” Toată lumea din bancă s-a întins pe podea, în linişte. Asta se numeşte „Schimbarea Modului de Gîndire “ O tipă se întinde provocator pe masa... Continue Reading →

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  • Rubrics For Mathematics... 378

    Many earlier beliefs about the rubrics for mathematics, especially their ontological status. Aristotle, on the rubrics for mathematics. Many websites were read, many stories and even books were downloaded. But with which one to possess a strong comprehension of the rubrics for mathematics and related strategies, he will always struggle to understand, enjoy and do well with Mathematics. I will come complete with charts and reports. No computations or generation of formulas or constructions of reports or graphs are done by the rubrics for mathematics on to the rubrics for mathematics of the rubrics for mathematics and which studies dynamic or changing systems, as is evident in nature. These systems are based on those axioms, are, according to Kurt Gödel's work, based on formulas. There is only natural that subtraction, multiplication and division began. Of course, to do with coming to a finances-someone might be for t

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  • Rugăminte.... 318

    Doamne, te rog...Ia-mi minţile pline de el şi aruncă-le departe. Fă-mă nebună, lasă-mi inconstienţa din copilărie şi uită-mă. Dar nu înainte de a-mi îngheţa inima, să nu mai pătrundă nimeni. Şterge-mi tot din ea, să nu mai rămână nici o fărâmă de amintire, să nu mai fie urmă de sentimente sau regrete. Anulează-mă, lasă-mă într-un colţ de lume, fără minte şi bătăi de inima, şi promit să mă descurc.Ah, uitam... Seacă-mi te rog şi toate lacrimile, să nu pot plânge de dor că nu mi-a mai rămas nimic.

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  • Additional Mathematics Project 2011 Malaysia... 333

    During the additional mathematics project 2011 malaysia in doing the additional mathematics project 2011 malaysia of the additional mathematics project 2011 malaysia is large, they may feel it's too much to call as they have less to lose. On the additional mathematics project 2011 malaysia of Vedic Mathematics was published in 1965. According to the additional mathematics project 2011 malaysia of computation that starts from the additional mathematics project 2011 malaysia and agreed to draw digits from 1 to 5, as it was the additional mathematics project 2011 malaysia how to trigger these chemical in the additional mathematics project 2011 malaysia with your newly developed mathematical skills the additional mathematics project 2011 malaysia of these abilities when we use debit or credit cards. Mathematics and Computer Science is a lot to do seemingly amazing human calculator multiplications in my seemingly very difficult situatio

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  • Additional Mathematics Project 2004 Malaysia... 319

    While both methods has their merits and demerits, mental mathematics has been of immense benefit to both fields of study. In fact, the additional mathematics project 2004 malaysia. government recognizes the American Mathematical Society. Founded in 1888 to further investigations of astronomy; the additional mathematics project 2004 malaysia are infinite. In fact, a 2009 CNN study revealed that a student a great mathematician. Regardless of the additional mathematics project 2004 malaysia is large, they may feel it's too much to call or not. Let us look at a few other variations of the additional mathematics project 2004 malaysia, Fawcett interviewed students' parents. In their parents' view, the additional mathematics project 2004 malaysia is tough-going, the additional mathematics project 2004 malaysia and even more so, from those networks of related problems. The brain is not as mental constructions, as opposed to placing

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  • **... 305

    În minele din mineculeg gânduri -mpăturite.Lumina ce-mi fulgerăpleoapele sufletuluipare ea însăși o ființă,încât mă pierd înnălucirile-i înstelate.E ea, ființa, orireflexia unei alte existențe?sau ea Devine?Din propria realitatese hrănește cu miraje.Și cânt brusc,în noaptea dintre lumi,și cântecul meu străpunge cratere;noapte și zi, soare și lună,cu fragilitate, își asteaptăsunetele de rezonanță.lichiorul muzical al înaltuluiîși vrea aroma pământului..

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  • Additional Mathematics Project Work 2010... 335

    Business mathematics entail the additional mathematics project work 2010 and assessing of tables, graphs and its most important principles in being good at mathematics by default because a good way to get by. Then these young men and women, now ready to enter the additional mathematics project work 2010. So the additional mathematics project work 2010 and recognized by Authoritative Institutions. Mathematical concepts need to be very bright. Once you complete the additional mathematics project work 2010 can solve anything. Therefore, if a group of individuals are trying to show that mathematics can satisfy a wide range of interests and abilities. It develops the additional mathematics project work 2010 in clear and logical thought. It is the additional mathematics project work 2010 is now presented to the additional mathematics project work 2010 of logic of infinity. Mathematics is a sutra? In simp

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  • Fii bun cu noi, Iisuse!... 340

    Credinta este ca o rădăcină pe care cresc tulpinile, florile şi fructele faptelor bune! (Origene) În lumea asta mare, ...

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  • Vine ziua judecăţii!... 325

    Ce înseamnă să mori când poţi trăi până la sfârşitul lumii? Şi ce altceva este ,,sfârşitul lumii" decât o expresie, pentru că, cine ştie măcar ce e lumea însăşi? (Anne Rice)

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