- Spiritualitate
31-01-2022 07:38
I have seen many people joining various sanghas with an ego centered attitude. They expect the sangha to do things for them, to treat them in a certain way, and they are never satisfied with receiving the teaching and just the teaching. They don’t understand that to receive the teaching and being corrected in matters related with the teaching is the greatest compassion they receive in this life, even more than the compassion their parents showed to them. The gift of Dharma is the highest gift, said the Buddha, because it gives you freedom from all births and deaths. It is a pity that some do not appreciate the compassion that is showed to them by being offered the gift of Dharma. The role of the sangha is not to be a substitute for your family, for your husband, wife, parents, children or friends. It is your fault if you are not able to manage your own personal life, so you should never blame the sangha. The s