All is lost

This may be one of the best on sea movies i`ve watched up to now.

The one-man story is so thrilling that gives you goose bumps all the way. Well, not all the way, until the end.

Due to the fact that it`s an american movie, we are expected to see a happy ending. But the suffering along the 90 first minutes is so horrifying that will make you wish you`d never go on a sail boat ever!

The amazing part that i loved about this movie is the calm that Robert Redford had during all the mishaps.

Thrilling and in some parts horrifying, we feel for the poor guy all the way.

And i mentioned above that until the end everything is as chilling as it can get, because the end is typically american. The guy accepts his fate of not being rescued and almost surrenders to Davy Jones’ Locker, when he sees a light in the water from a boat approaching and looking for him, after he sets accidentally his raft on fire.


One thing though:

the g...