Perfetti sconosciuti

Perfect strangers. The best title. Amazing story. Amazing ending.

This one might be the best i`ve ever seen in a looooong time.

It all comes down to one device we use all the time. Even on the toilet. The mobile phone. The greatest invention that man could have possible created. The one thing that can destroy all that we created in a glimpse of an eye.

We all have playing truth or dare.

During a total eclipse of the moon, seven friends decide to have a dinner party. During dinner they start to play a dangerous game: putting the phones on the table and reading out loud all the e-mails, texts, whatsapp messages they get, and even putting on speaker all phone calls they receive.

From this moment, a lot of secrets come to the light. Secret about relationships at work, between friends and even about their sexual orientation.

It`s really hard to be true to yourself, so how can you be true to your significant other, not even to mention your frien