Articole postate de Nicoleta

  • It (2017)... 283

    So i finally saw the remake of It. No one can exceed the great performance of Tim Curry. He is and always will be Pennywise (except the time that he`ll be dr. Frank-N-Furter). But this remake of It, beside the fact that changed the whole story, and gave us a fantastic outlook on things and […]

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  • My secret life, not Walter Mitty`s... 296

    Doar ce am vazut „The secret life of Walter Mitty” si ma gandeam „cat de tare ar fi sa ai aventuri asa, doar sa te sui intr-un avion si sa te duci in lume”. Si m-am gandit mai bine si am constatat ca eu chiar am viata ai, in doze marunte, dar o am. Sunt […]

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  • The secret life of Walter Mitty... 283

    We all daydream. We all want to travel and see the world. We all want to be much more “muchier” as the Mad Hatter said. And Walter did it. This is a movie that can show it`s not that big of a deal. We just have to have the courage to take that chance, that […]

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  • Why horror?... 281

    So i`ve stumble upon this one a few months ago. Although i consider myself a fan of the horror genre, i haven`t seen this one up to now. And i know, to expand my shame more, i haven`t seen a lot of classic horror movies. But i`m getting there, one by one. This movie is […]

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  • Perfetti sconosciuti... 293

    Perfect strangers. The best title. Amazing story. Amazing ending. This one might be the best i`ve ever seen in a looooong time. It all comes down to one device we use all the time. Even on the toilet. The mobile phone. The greatest invention that man could have possible created. The one thing that can […]

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  • Killing Ground…... 284

    All of us go on vacation. While there are some that like the comfort of a hotel, some of us like the comfort of a tent in the wilderness. The wilderness can be a place where you can unplug yourself from the busy city life and reconnect with your inner self. The only condition is that […]

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  • Short horror movies... 292

    As a “normal” human being, i have an instagram account. Mostly for pictures of what i see and how i see them, nothing spectacular. And lately i`ve been “followed” by some horror movie fans/addicts/whatever you want to call them. And i saw on their page some pretty interesting stuff. 80% of what i saw up […]

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  • Oameni „frumosi”…... 283

    Hai sa vorbim un pic si despre oamenii frumosi pe care toata lumea ii ridica in slavi. In 2014 am avut bucuria, ceea ce o numeam eu atunci bucurie, de a ma implica intr-un program de voluntariat pentru organizarea unui eveniment TEDx. Suna bine, nu? Toate bune si frumoase. Plina de entuziasm, ca faceam ceva […]

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  • All is lost... 293

    This may be one of the best on sea movies i`ve watched up to now. The one-man story is so thrilling that gives you goose bumps all the way. Well, not all the way, until the end. Due to the fact that it`s an american movie, we are expected to see a happy ending. But […]

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  • Before and After... 286

    What do you do, as a parent, when the police comes to your door insinuating that your son is a killer? This is the plot. This is the situation that the parents in this movie have to face. When your child is running away, you don`t know the truth, you deliberately burn some evidence that […]

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  • The bad seed... 293

    From 1956 comes a cult movie. Not so many heard of this one, but i can assure you it will worth you time. 2 hours spent in the most horrifying, thrilling way. It touches so many psychological subjects and it describes on-going a new form of serial killer profile. Let`s imagine a cute little 8 […]

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  • À l’intérieur... 275

    “Inside” is a horror that will make you cringe from the beginning until the end. The plot follows a woman caught in a car crash leaving, as we know of, no survivors but her and her unborn child. The action itself takes place inside her home where she is imprisoned by a woman whose motive […]

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  • Curiozitatea a omorât pisica…dar nu şi omul… 271

    Frământări generale despre viaţa socială şi societate în general… Eu mi-s trecută deja de frumoasa? vârstă de 25 de ani…de mult. Şi asta implică al dracului de multe căcaturi. Şi e enervant. Aşa că hai să încep cu ce frământări societatea aduce vieţii sociale: „Şi? Cum stai cu viaţa amoroasă?” – este cred cea mai […]

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  • A little break…... 474

    So i took a little brake from writing, because i took the advice from my dentist to watch Game of Thrones. Yes, until now i haven`t watched Game of Thrones. I can`t say that i am upset of me for not seeing it until now, but i can`t say that i am glad that i […]

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  • Eu nu…... 481

    Cu toţii avem perioadele acelea adolescentine în care zicem „eu nu o să fac…” sau ” eu nu o să fiu…” sau „eu nu o să ajung să…”. Majoritatea acestor perioade sunt în liceu, cel mult facultate. Şi vreau să dau şi un exemplu: o colegă de facultate. Să-i zicem DD. DD în facultate era […]

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