It (2017)

So i finally saw the remake of It.

No one can exceed the great performance of Tim Curry. He is and always will be Pennywise (except the time that he`ll be dr. Frank-N-Furter).

But this remake of It, beside the fact that changed the whole story, and gave us a fantastic outlook on things and story line, can be seen as a good perspective on things.

Even though, at the end, the violence shown by the kids is most outrageous, and even though the movie doesn`t keep the original plot line of the first It or the book, i must say that from the visual point of view it has been enhanced gracefully. But of course that could be because we live in a technological era and that this kind of stuff can be easily done by pushing some buttons. But the visuals that came out are pretty awesome, and can not easily be forgotten. Oh, wait, what was i talking about? Yes. They can be forgotten. You can relate the fears that each and every one of the kids nightmarish appearance in all sor