have a love-hate relationship with definitions, but here it goes...

QR self-portrait
my name is yigru zeltil. it was conceived and selected through a surrealist technique. while having settled on it since 2008, i might change it one day. don't bother to look up my 'real' name in the local phone book, there are many others like me. probably that is why i love the waves/my home right now is constanța, romania. it is a city in which it doesn't mean a thing if one writes or makes art. better buy or sell amber paintings with landscapes and dictators... or spend time on the beach/i translate, write and do performances by myself or with a handful of friends, then share about them on the internet. i have 'weird' tastes in pretty many things, i would think i am 'too' unique if it wasn't for the internet/i am (too) involved in the literary/poetic environment. let aside e-books and object books, only published two poetry chapbooks with ISBN,