• 1 Decembrie - La multi ani Romania!... 253

    site-ul oficial al AMTR http://m-t.ro ...

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  • New Café on the Block... 196

    Statiscs say the following about the Romanians."As for their leisure time activities, 81.5% never goes to theatre, 77.1% states that going to cinema is not a habit for them, meanwhile 48% goes out in discos on regular basis. 39% never reads books and 41% does not practice any sport. Seems like the only constant activity is watching television, as 63% declared." Source (2007): CafeBabel.com                                                                         The above figures have been changing dramatically in the past years. The capital city offers a generous list of attractions for theatre-goers, book-hunters, music lovers or for social interaction.

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  • Romania's National Holiday... 196

    Fii sincer: ce inseamna 1 decembrie pentru tine? If you are Romanian, have you ever asked yourself this question? If you live abroad you must have strong feelings for Romania and I applaud you for this.Whoever you are, wherever you live in the Global Village, please read this post in Romanian or enjoy some of Romania's most beautiful places through a photo tour.http://lexisscoli.blogspot.ro/2012/11/fii-sincer-ce-inseamna-1-decembrie.htmlHappy National Day!

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  • CURS MT... 274

    Cei care in cadrul conferintelor de pe 24 si 25 s-au inscris pentru un curs de prezentare a tehnicii MT pot veni Vineri, 30, H 18:30, str Demostene nr 7 (vezi harta http://m-t.ro/contacte.html ) pentru curs. Detalii Nicolae Stoian 0729684398site-ul oficial al AMTR http://m-t.ro

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  • Blended learning - a solution... 286

    Created by Knewton and Column Five Media ...

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  • Mondays with Crazy English... 191

    Learning English is fun. I've given you plenty of examples. Here's another one: spoonerisms. They are slips of the tongue due to inattention, insufficient knowledge or a deliberate play on words.                                        Source: http://www.crosswordunclued.com/This tendency to switch consonants and vowels is manifest with little kids, but adults are also prone to this impediment. This tendency was named after the Reverend William Archibald Spooner  who was famous for this tendency. According to Wikipedia the fo

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  • How to Write an Argumentative Essay... 171

    If you have just started preparing for an exam or doing your homework, here's a good video to watch. It provides good practice for listening and note-taking, so teachers can use it as a class activity, as well.Start with this introduction:and then go to the next video:How to Write an Argumentative Essay

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  • Bastilia 2012 - Condamnaţi la lectură... 246

    Dacă ai trecut prin Piaţa Romană, venind dinspre Universitate, ai zărit cu siguranţă o vilă somptuoasă care te întâmpină cu distincţia caracteristică fostului Mic Paris. Din goana maşinii nu ai timp să admiri decât arhitectura clădirii care se încadrează în stilul neo-romanesc. Treci cu vederea detaliile bizantine şi elementele decorative româneşti, grabindu-te spre locul tău de munca dintr-un bloc de birouri sau spre casa proaspăt echipată cu sisteme audio şi vedeo, gadget-uri şi mobilier ultra funcţional.Nici nu-ţi dai seamă că de fapt trăieşti şi lucrezi într-o temniţă de termopane şi-ţi bei cafeaua sub un bombardament electronic, unde stresul te încătuşează şi câmpul magnetic creat de boxe, monitoare, telefoane et

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  • TED talks and the ESOL examinations... 171

    “Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing it is not fish they are after.” - Henry David ThoreauDo you remember the yesterday's question on Lexis offical Facebook page Oct. 6, 2012? Well, men go fishing, but they are not tweeting about it. They google for information and opportunities. They are overconfident, and overconfidence seems to be rewarded. Men tend to over-estimate their ability and they also negotiate harder. Good for them!We won't stop looking at men as our role models for leadership. But the trend to adopt the tactics of men is not something I agree with. It 's just a relic from earlier feminist eras. Both men and women must be rewarded for the talents, abilities and qualifications they have.Is there a science of achievement? Did you achieve your goals? Watch this great TED tal

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  • Big Ben and the Romanian kid... 179

    Yesterday, I visited a school in Bucharest, Romania. A new school with an old tradition. With a group of enthusiastic teachers from Lexis Schools of Languages, I participated in a lesson on the European Day of Languages with games, flags and cartoons - everything primary school kids love in a language lessson.The lesson was over. The kids were leaving the classroom when I saw a boy coming straight to me with a picture of Big Ben in his hand. Most seriously and unexpectedly for me, in the circumstances, he asked  if I could explain how the clock mechanism powers the famous Big Ben.I didn't hesitate to give him brief explanations, but I realized it was not enough. He seemed to have been fascinated with technology and here I made this selection of videos for him.Help needed!!If anybody has more information for David S., the10 year-old boy with such a desire to learn new things, please post or recommend

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