• TED talks and the ESOL examinations... 233

    “Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing it is not fish they are after.” - Henry David ThoreauDo you remember the yesterday's question on Lexis offical Facebook page Oct. 6, 2012? Well, men go fishing, but they are not tweeting about it. They google for information and opportunities. They are overconfident, and overconfidence seems to be rewarded. Men tend to over-estimate their ability and they also negotiate harder. Good for them!We won't stop looking at men as our role models for leadership. But the trend to adopt the tactics of men is not something I agree with. It 's just a relic from earlier feminist eras. Both men and women must be rewarded for the talents, abilities and qualifications they have.Is there a science of achievement? Did you achieve your goals? Watch this great TED tal

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  • Big Ben and the Romanian kid... 230

    Yesterday, I visited a school in Bucharest, Romania. A new school with an old tradition. With a group of enthusiastic teachers from Lexis Schools of Languages, I participated in a lesson on the European Day of Languages with games, flags and cartoons - everything primary school kids love in a language lessson.The lesson was over. The kids were leaving the classroom when I saw a boy coming straight to me with a picture of Big Ben in his hand. Most seriously and unexpectedly for me, in the circumstances, he asked  if I could explain how the clock mechanism powers the famous Big Ben.I didn't hesitate to give him brief explanations, but I realized it was not enough. He seemed to have been fascinated with technology and here I made this selection of videos for him.Help needed!!If anybody has more information for David S., the10 year-old boy with such a desire to learn new things, please post or recommend

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  • Pentru cine a reinceput scoala?... 244

    Orice reintalnire cu Cristina Elena Negut este o noua sansa. Cristina Negut - Senior Trainer Habitat Management - te inspira, iti da speranta si-ti sugereaza solutii. Training-ul sau de comunicare este mai mult decat instruire; este ocazia de a-ti analiza greselile si de a-ti redescoperi copilul. Lexis Scoli de Limbi Straine si Active Events va invita la un nou ATELIER PENTRU PARINTI,  sambata 29 septembrie 2012  Inscriei la: events@activet

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  • Zilele Culturale Lexis... 280

    Lexis Unirii deschide seria evenimentelor din cadrul proiectului "Lexis - 20th Anniversary" cu o calatorie intr-o lume fascinanta a muzicii, filmului, sportului sau politicii din lumea Anglo-Saxona. Participantii beneficiaza de

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  • The American universities that rule the web... 237

    Created by: Best Education Sites ...

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  • TOEFL vs. IELTS... 231

    In the following posts you are going to be introduced to the basics of these two exams. Which one should you take? ...

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  • Admission College Interview (2) - The Secrets of Body Language 226

    Do interviews matter? It depends on the school. In many cases it counts; undoubtedly, the interviewee can prove thoughtfulness, facility with words and commitment. Fewer and fewer former admission officers say that interviews are inefficient. More and more universities go back to the old times when interviews were not mandatory. Consequetly, candidates are now warned they cannot participate in the interview underprepared, without previous research and training.What kind of questions can you expect?There are typical questions and unexpected ones. The interviewer (college student, alumnus* or alumna, admisssion officer) decides. Anyway, it's not the questions you need to be afraid of; only 7 percent of the message is conveyed through words. The interviewer is looking for the real picture of you, trying to learn who you really are. The truth leaks out through the remaining 93 percent non-verbal communication. Make it profitable.Watch this vid

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  • Admission college interviews (1)... 221

    Is it a required part of the application process?Not always. Few colleges require an interview; in most cases it is optional. But it gives you a chance to show you are something else than numbers (exam scores, hours of volunteer work etc.) and words (the statement, the recommendations etc).Moreover, it is an informational tool; for the college to find out more about the student and for the student to learn more about the college.Do interviews matter?Yes, because you show you're interested.What's in a handshake ? How important is it to establish eye contact? What about voice inflection?What kind of information and knowledge is the interviewer looking for?

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  • Why learn languages?... 252

    If you want to start learning a foreign language or improve your language skills, define your expectations first.Read more about: learning styles online learning Burlington English method language centres Trinity College London ESOL certificate other ESOL certificates

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  • Updates on ESOL examinations... 228

    Not only is English useful, but it also gives you a lot of satisfaction. There is one problem though; due to the social changes, English grammar and vocabulary are changing. Consequently, learners need to regularly refresh their skills. You might find it hard to understand the acronyms and abbreviations related to this activity. The definitions for the most often used ones and many more will definitely help you become familiar with the terminology.Read more....

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